"you have to help me"

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Camila's POV

God she's so perfect.

Walking out to my kitchen, I see the woman who brought me to my knees yesterday, cooking away at the stove.

I feel a smile creep up onto my face and I immediately want to feel her touch. Hastily walking over to her swaying body, I wrap my arms around her torso and squeeze, feeling her relax into me.

With a chuckle, she turns around and I expect to see those brown eyes I've fallen in love with, but instead my heart drops into my stomach and I feel sick.

No. No this can't be happening.

This has to be some kind of dream. I rub my eyes harshly, trying to get that green out of my mind. But, once I open my eyes, they're still there, staring into my soul.

I could recognize them from anywhere. They're the same pair of eyes I've been trying to see behind bars for what seems like decades.

She's the Grim Reaper.

"Good morning, baby. I was just making breakfast for whenever you decided to wake up. You slept for so long I got worried." She says with a small smile.

I feel sick. Her eyes are too green to not notice, especially since I've been all but studying them lately. I was right all along.

I can't just arrest her! Can't I? Fuck!

Her smile drops, most likely to my lack of response. "Are you okay? You have this, like, glazed over look."

Here's the predicament: I either arrest her now and lose the love of my life, the woman who I've fallen in love with, or I act like I don't know anything and continue on with my life as normal.


Lauren's POV

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

God, Camila knows. I can tell. There's no way she doesn't. Everything was going so well too.

She could totally just pull a gun on me right now and turn me in. Would she do that? Isn't she in love with me, too?

Her face doesn't have a look on it. She just looks so empty, but I know there's thousands of thoughts flowing through her mind right now.

She clears her throat, a small smile playing at her lips. "Sorry, love. Just, when I saw you, the memories of last night played through my head." She wraps her arms around my torso, basically trapping me between her and the counter.

Okay, so either she doesn't know, or she's playing it off. There's no way she's this oblivious, especially since she's the head detective on MY case file.

She's totally trying to act cool. I'm going to have to speed this plan up, I'm in too deep now and I really can't get arrested. I can't do that to my family, my people.

Now I really have to kill her.

"Hm, did you like it that much?" I basically whisper, my nerves not allowing me to do much else. Can she feel how much I'm sweating through my shirt?

She tilted her head up, looking me in the eyes with a look I can't place. "Yeah, I really did."

So, is she going to mention the eyes, or no? Because she's doing a damn good job avoiding the obvious right now.

I wonder if she put it together before this, y'know, me being the Grim Reaper and all. She was always there, asking more questions than usual, or trying to pry her way into my personal life. Fuck, she definitely knows.

There's a part of me that doesn't want to kill her. I don't want to kill the only person that I've fallen for, truly fallen for. But she's not going to let this go. I know for a fact that something bad is going to happen if she doesn't die soon, and I just can't shake that feeling.

The day continued on as normal, like nothing ever happened. Not once did she mention the sudden color change of my eyes, which made her even more suspicious. I left about an hour after that exchange, telling her that I had work at the diner tonight and I needed to run a few errands beforehand.

I quickly made my way down the street to the place I know the gangs at. We're staying at a little motel at the edge of the city, too scared to actually stay in one of the biggest cities in the world.

I park my car, albeit I did steal that car so technically it isn't mine, and race to the entrance of the motel, needing to fill my family in on what happens next. Reaching their rooms wasn't a problem, the thing that made me nervous was the fact that I needed to tell them that our asses are on the line.

I went to Lucy's room first, barely holding back my nerves at this point. I raise my shaky hand to knock on the door, waiting a few seconds before the door swings open.

Lucy looks at me for a second before her eyes widen. "Lauren? What's wrong?"

She opens the door wider so that I can enter and I automatically sit on her bed, my legs feel like jelly. I can't focus right now, for some reason it feels like my world is falling apart.

I can feel the bed dip next to me, and a hand gently fell on my shoulder, "please," she started, her voice cracking, "tell me what happened. I've never seen you like this before."

I met her eyes for the first time since I entered the room. There was genuine love in her eyes, leading me to more realizations.

"I have to kill Camila."

Her brows furrowed, a confused look across her face. She didn't expect me to say the words that left my lips next, making her jump up and pace around the room.

"And you have to help me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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