You Thought

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Camila's POV

Walking through my front door, I was overwhelmed with fury.

"Fuck! Are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled, throwing my keys and the table next to my door across the room, "I had them in the palm of my hand and they got away!"

I continued to push my furniture onto the floor and by the end of my fit, my house was trashed. Now I have to clean all this shit up. Fuck!

Lauren's POV

Currently, the gang and I were sitting in a local starbucks, the same one where I first met that brown eyed bitch.

"How do I get revenge?" my friends looked over at me confused, probably because of the sudden question.

"Revenge for what?" Zayn asks.

I felt my veins heat up from the immense hatred infiltrating my body. "For that bitch calling the police and almost murdering one of my best friends. I want her to suffer like we almost did."

"Whatever, Lauren. We don't have time for revenge shit. We're not third graders. No one died so we're good. Just forget about it." Hayley told me. But I couldn't listen to her, for I was not thinking straight.

But suddenly, a thought popped into my head. Now I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to make her fall in love with me, make her put all of her trust in me, then I'll kill her in the most painful way possible. A smile crept onto my face, and my friends took notice of it.

"Oh shit, she's doing the maniacal smile again. Someone's gonna die soon." Lucy whispered to the rest of the group. She didn't know this, but she was completely correct.


Walking up to the address Camila texted me, I knocked on the door, sunflowers hidden behind my back and a fake smile painted on my face.

When Camila opened the door, my breath caught in my throat and my palms started to get sweaty. She was dressed in a white button up shirt tucked into tight black shorts with see-through tights covering her hot legs. Her hair was down in her natural waves with her bangs in the right place. She's beautiful.

I had to hide the anger that flowed through my veins when I saw her face. I had to act as normal as I could if this plan of mine was going to work.

"Hey Lauren!" she said with a wide smile on her face, "welcome to my humble abode. Come on in."

She moved to the side, allowing me space to walk into her modern house. Nervously, I move my hand to fix my hair and I remember the flowers in my hand. "Oh shit," I exclaimed, which made her look at me with confusion. I held out the flowers towards the cuban beauty, not able to meet her eyes. "These are for you, by the way." Making my voice waver, making sure it sounds like I'm nervous.

She flashed me a megawatt smile and took them out of my hand. "Thank you so much! How did you know I love sunflowers?"

I know a lot of things about you, from just looking through your instagram feed. And let me tell you, that instagram feed was full of very, very, hot pictures of her. But obviously I'll never tell her that. "Oh, uh, lucky guess?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?" she said with a smirk, walking away and into what I assumed was her kitchen.

I just stood there, stunned by her sudden confidence. Honestly, I was at a loss for words. Awkwardly, I just looked around her house, finding a picture of a younger looking Camila, a little boy and what looks like a mini Camila hanging on her wall. Maybe that's her sister?

"Why are you still just standing here?" I'm broken out of my trance by the sound of her question. "I've been waiting for you by the front door for like a minute." We lock eyes and she turns to the picture I was looking at. The smile on her face drops and a saddened look takes over. "Oh. That's me, my sister, and my little brother." Little brother? I hadn't seen him at the store. "He died shortly after that picture was taken. Cancer."

I was shocked. "I'm sorry for your loss." She didn't meet my eyes when I looked over at her, but instead she was looking at a bracelet on her wrist, fiddling with it.

When her gaze finally fixed with mine, she recognized my confusion. "Oh! This is a bracelet my brother gave me before he passed away. I always wear it." That's a lie, you didn't wear it at the store or the bank.

"That's beautiful," I faked sympathy, "can I take a look at it?"

"Yeah, of course."

When she held her arm out to me, I gently took it in my grasp and lifted it to my face. It's honestly gorgeous. It is golden with embroidery all around it. On one side was the name Cameron which I'm guessing is her brother, and the other side has Camila on it. So basic. But my question is, how the hell did a little kid get her a golden bracelet?

"It's really pretty, Karla, honestly."

"Wait, how do you know that my name is Karla?"

Oh shit I'm screwed.

My mind was going a hundred miles an hour trying to come up with an excuse, a lie. How could I just fuck up like that?

"Uh- something said, uh, your name on it by your front door. I think it was mail, and it had that name on it. Sorry, do you not want me to call you that?"

Nice save.

Her tense expression softened. "Oh, uh, no it's fine. I just prefer to go by Camila now. Karla's actually my first name and Camila's my second, but I never liked it growing up as a kid." She giggled. That was cute honestly.

Awkward silence quickly filled the air. "Well, um, do you want to get going? Our reservation's at four, and it's" I push up the sleeve of my black button up and looked at my watch, "three thirty."

"Okay, let's go eat some good foods!"

I laugh while following her out of the house, feeling warmer inside.


We arrived at the restaurant in record time, paying and thanking the uber I called. Once I got out of the car, I put my hand on the small of Camila's back, slowly rubbing the fabric of her shirt between my fingers. I don't know whether it was from the slight chill in the air, or whether it was from my magical touch, but I felt her shiver. I smirked.

When we walked into the italian restaurant, the waiter that showed us to our table totally checked Camila out, and I felt my body heat up. I don't know why I feel like this, but he just looked so disgusting and I didn't want him to taint her with his ugly fucking face.

"Hey are you okay? You've been zoning out for a while now."

I quickly look up to meet her eyes and immediately notice the concern in them.

"No, no I'm okay. Sorry I was just thinking." She gives me a small smile.

"So, Lauren, even though we've already talked about this, but tell me about your backstory."

Oh shit, what did I say at that coffee shop?

A/N hey sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'll try to update more frequently ❤️

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