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We stand outside for a few minutes before we actually break apart to go inside. It's weird, she looks hesitant to open her door.

"Are we going to go inside?" I ask, watching her become antsy.

She turns to me. "Yes! Let's go inside." She opens her door quickly, walking in like there's no care in the world even though she was acting like she was hiding something two seconds ago.

It's so hot in here. It feels like a fucking sauna. "Hey babe?" I ask her.

"Yes my love?" she responds from the kitchen.

"Why is it so hot in here?"

She pops her head out of the kitchen doorway. "I was just cooking. Trying some new stuff. I'm sorry it's so hot you can open a window or turn on the air."


I open the window and take a seat on the couch. "So," I trail off a bit. "What are you making? Is it anything I can try?"

"I'm just trying to tap into more of my Cuban roots." She shouts. She comes out of the kitchen and walks towards me with a smile on her face. Wow. She looks absolutely beautiful. Wearing athletic comfortable shorts with a big shirt, she just looks so comfortable. "I'm not a very good cook, at least that's what I've been told." She chuckles. "But, all day I've been trying to make Arroz con pollo, and I think I finally got the perfect batch, I mean, after two tries."

I sit there, mouth fucking salivating. "Arroz con pollo is my absolute favorite Cuban meal." I tell her, excitement radiating off my body in waves. "My mom used to make it for me. I haven't had it in years."

A look passes across her face. "You know," she begins hesitantly, "you don't really talk about your parents. Actually, I don't think you've ever talked about them other than our first date I believe. But even then you didn't mention much. What happened between you guys if you don't mind me saying?"

Well isn't this great?

"Um... I honestly don't know where to start." I shift in my seat uncomfortably. I can't talk about this yet. I'm not ready to go there.

She must have noticed that I was uncomfortable because she sits down next to me and rubs my arm. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to tell me until you're ready."

"Thank you." She gives me a small smile and a slow kiss. I will say, feeling her lips against mine gives me more feelings than anyone I've ever been intimate with.

She puts her hand on my thigh and deepens the kiss quickly.

Oh god, here we go.

We usually make out, but she always stops me before I can do anything more. Blue balls suck, but I will never go farther than what she's comfortable with.

This time seems different.

Without breaking the kiss, she gets onto my lap, slowly moving her hips.

I haven't told her about my extra part yet, and her grinding into me isn't helping me keep this secret.

"Woah," I begin, breaking the kiss, "what's up? This seems different."

Breathing heavy, she gives me a confused look. "What do you mean? Nothing's wrong."

"I don't know, we've just never been this, like, heated before."

She gets up from my lap quickly after I say that, making my heart drop. "I'm sorry," she begins, "I didn't know that it was a problem."

She begins to walk away, so I quickly jump up and go to her, softly grabbing her hand and turning her towards me. "Hey, it's not a problem, but," I pause, trying to work up the motivation to say what I need to say. "I just need to tell you something before we go any further."

She looks up at me, meeting my brown eyes with hers. "What's wrong babe? What happened?"

"I, um, this is kind of hard for me to say to you. Please don't see me any differently and just please don't break up with me."

"Babe, I promise I won't see you any differently or leave you because of anything, I promise. I'm not going anywhere and I will never see you any differently than the beautiful person sitting in front of me."

If only that was true. If she ever learns about my side job, she'll definitely see me differently.

"I'm just going to come out and say it," I take a deep breath, looking down at the floor before meeting her eyes once again, "I have an extra part if that makes any sense."

Her eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"Okay, I have a penis."

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