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While the gang moved around the bank, collecting shit tons of money, I looked around, keeping watch and letting Zayn lead the pack for this mission. When I did a scan of the room, my eyes connected with chocolate swirls and my heart dropped.

Not again.

She kept her stare into my eyes, not wavering. In her eyes I could see fear, but I could also see anger.

I don't want to hurt her.

So what did I do? I slowly walked towards her position on the ground, stepping over multiple people. She was hiding behind one of the turned-over desks on the ground.

"Hey ghost," I said to Lucy over the walkie, "I'm gonna go get something from the RV. Can you come be watch, please?"

"No problem, Grim." I heard in response.

As I got closer and closer, I put my golden gun in the waistband of my pants to make her feel more at ease. But, obviously, it didn't work because her body was rigid and tense once I got in front of her.

I bent down to her level so that my face in line with her face. Looking into her chocolate eyes that were filled with anguish, I whispered "Come with me, jewel." in a lower voice than my own.

She spoke up to protest, but my glove-covered hand quickly shut her up. "Don't say anything. I'm doing you a favor."

Slowly and reluctantly, she nodded. "You won't scream or anything?" I questioned.

She shook her head.

I took my hand off of her mouth and grabbed her hand. Confused, she looked down at our conjoined hands and sighed. Why did she sigh?

With my bandana still in tact, I slowly stood up, pulling her up with me. We were in the back so not a lot of people could see us, and I dragged her out of the bank with me.

Once we were outside, I dropped her hand and just stood there, looking around. What the hell do I do now?

"Thank you for, for saving me." I heard her mutter.

"I didn't save you! I just, I just didn't want to see you get hurt." When I looked up into her eyes, I saw her flash me a warm smile. Why did I say that?

"Now, please get out of here. I don't want to think about what would happen if one of the-" my sentence was cut short when I heard sirens in the background, quickly getting louder. I looked down at her other hand and found her phone, dialled, 911 in the background.

"You bitch. How di-" this time, I cut myself off with an excruciating scream coming from my mouth because of a pain in my thigh. Looking down, I found blood seeping through my black pants. She shot me.

My eyes trailed back up her figure, stopping at the sight of that latina bitch holding a gun out in front of her, smirking.

"You're not the only one that has a gun, Grim."

I was so caught up in the pain of my thigh that I barely registered the police entering the bank with force. Shit. My friends are still in there. But before I could even move, I heard a loud gunshot and someone screaming bloody murder.

My walkie beeped "Grim get the fuck in here. Ghost has been shot!" Zayn frantically told me.

No. Not Lucy.

"It's over." Camila told me.

She looked shaken, her confidence was gone and now replaced with a glazed look. She lowered the gun and her eyes started to tear up. What happened to the confident Camila that was here two seconds ago? It looked like she couldn't move.

"No," I replied weakly, "it's only just beginning. Watch your back, jewel." and with that, I left her outside and limped my way inside, gasping at what I saw. Police bodies lined the floor, and in the middle of the chaos was Zayn clutching onto Lucy's body, Normani trying her best to tend to Lucy's wound. All of their masks still on their faces.

Dear God.

I ran over to Lucy the fastest I could and kneeled down next to them. From here, I could hear Zayn's heart-wrenching sobs, Normani's frantic movements, and Lucy's slow, staggered breathing.

"Lucy," I said quietly, feeling tears start to fill my eyes at the sight of so much blood, "please. For the love of god don't leave me like this."

The tears fall freely, soaking my bandana. I can't lose her, not her. She looked so scared. The blood was pouring from her shoulder, making her whole arm look red with blood.

"We need to get her to the RV. I have some more medical supplies in there." Normani tells us, slowly standing up on shaky legs.

Luckily, we were able to move Lucy to the RV without much hassle. Normani took her to the back room and has been in there for the past half hour, not allowing any of us to see her. Hayley drove away once we got in, but stopped at a grocery store to get cleaning supplies because we have to go back and clean up Lucy and I's blood from the ground.

I got Zayn to patch up the wound on my leg. Luckily Camila isn't a good shot because she had just grazed my thigh, only causing a deep scratch instead of a bullet wound.

After anxiously waiting for about five more minutes, Normani comes out, looking disheveled.

"Is she okay?" Zayn is the first one to speak up.

"She's fine." we all let out a relieved sigh. "I had to extract the bullet and then sew the wound back up. She's on bed rest for the next couple weeks and she's asleep right now."

Whatever Camila has against us, I will make sure she pays for what she's done.

Camila's POV

"Oh my god Camila are you hurt?" Dinah worried, running up to me and pulling me into a strong hug.

"I'm fine, Dinah. He didn't even touch me." When she pulled away, I spoke up quickly before she could. "I have to go home. Tell the chief that I can't come in tonight and that I'll just work at home."

After saying some goodbyes, I got in my car and drove my way back into my house, a lot on my mind.

When I shot him, his scream sounded a lot like a girl's scream. He was in a vulnerable state and his true voice came out... womanly.

Holy shit. That's it. The man I've been tracking down isn't a man at all, but a woman.

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