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"This one oughta do"

A man clad In orange claimed as he stood in front of a tall tree. With a yell he punched the tree hard enough to rip it off its roots and drop it to the ground with a loud crash.

Meanwhile a women in a purple dress and hair tied in a bun. Calls out

"HEY, GOHAN! Goku? You think you got enough firewood, there?"

She asks as the man known as Goku walked up to the house with the massive tree. He dropped the tree in front of their little house.

"Yeah, this should last a while, don't you think?"

His wife, worried for Goku, scolds him

"You're going to hurt yourself one of these days"

"Oh I'm fine. Where's Gohan and Y/N?"

"Y/N's inside. I don't know about Gohan. But I think you'd better find him, don't you? You three are supposed to be at master Roshi's pretty soon."

"Oh yeah, that's right! Come on Y/N"

The 10 year old boy ran out to meet his dad. He was excited to meet his father's teacher and friends. He too, enjoyed battle just as much as his father and often sneaked out when he was supposed to study to train with his dad.

"You'd better take the flying Nimbus, you don't want to be late for your reunion."

"Okay, goodbye Chi-Chi. Come on Y/N, let's go!"

"Right behind you dad"

The young boy called out as both father and son ran away to the Nimbus as Chi-Chi called out behind them

"Both of you be careful! *Sigh* I'm going to worry myself to death."


On a distant farm, a farmer picking hay sees an object falling down from space.

"What is that?"

The unknown object crashes not too far from the farmer and in shock, the surrounding animals run away.

"My gosh, I guess, I better, uh, check it out. Goodness, why me?"

He stammers out and boards his truck as he begins to drive to the crash site

"Better bring my pea shooter..."

He sees a weird pod in the middle of the crater and it opens up as a man with long hair in some strange brown armor steps out. He floats up and the farmer, terrified backs away

???: "So the creatures on this planet are still
          alive. Kakarot has failed us!"

The unknown man says while the farmer cocks his gun and aims at him.

???: "Your power level is puny. Heh, level 5"

The man says as he steps closer and the farmer trembles as he aims his gun at the stranger

Farmer: "don't you come any closer! Look, I'll
                   use this thing!"

The farmer threatens him but he doesn't budge. The farmer yells as he shoots a bullet but the stranger Grand it and flings it back as the man falls to the ground not moving

???: "Heh, what a fragile breed of people. I'm
          picking up a high power level over there.
          It must be him."

The man grunts as he takes off to the sky.



We see a small boy walking through the forest scared with a small orange ball on his head with four stars. He is crying and alone

"I want my daddy and brother... I wanna go home. DADDY! DADDY!? anyone..?"

He begins sobbing and running through the forest and did by an tree stump and sees something fly overhead...

It's a butterfly!

"Hey, mister butterfly!"

The boy says but the butterfly flies away

"Wait. Come back!"

The boy smiles as he gives chase.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna look."

The butterfly rests on on a tree as the boy runs up.

"Aww come on. You want me to climb up there? Ok!"

With a running start, the boy runs jumps... But lands at the base of the tree and slides down

"Awww. Hold on I'm coming. Say are you sure there's not an elevator on this thing? Hmm."

The boy trips and looks up at the butterfly dejected.

He continues to walk through the forest and hears a rustling bush.

"Hello? Mister butterfly?"

The boy asks but out comes a sabertooth tiger

"N-nice Kitty"

The Tiger bares it's fangs

"I know play dead"

The Tiger, confused walks up to him and licks him, smiles and bites at him. The boy terrified looks up only to see his hat missing.

"My hat is gone!"

And he starts wailing

"No, my daddy gave me that hat"

He continues to cry and begins to give chase.

This is the prologue to my first book I'm making. Hopefully I can continue to write chapters at a consistent rate. Any feedback is recommended. Positive or negative.

A Young Warrior (Dragon Ball Z x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now