Chapter 3 - The Buildup To The Battle

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As Raditz flew away, everyone was terrified but none more devastated then Goku and Y/N as they watched their youngest family member. Be kidnapped by their newly revealed relative. As Y/N begins crying, Goku yells out in anguish as he punches the ground and begins sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Goku." Master Roshi apologizes whole-heartedly. "But there was nothing we could do."

"NIMBUS!" Goku calls out as he fully intended to fight Raditz for his son. His friends told him
that he can't win the fight and that he needs to stop. "I've got to try..." The broken man exclaims as his friends watch him crumble down as Y/N continues to look down at his feet enraged at his uncle.

"You have to outsmart him, he's stronger than you, but you can still win if you use your head."


"Easy there." Bulma said as both her and Krillen help Goku sit down at the porch.

"I hope Gohan's okay." Goku once again stated as he was more worried for his son then ever before in his life.

"I've got it!" Goku exclaims. "His weakness, it's his tail! Don't you remember what happened when someone grabbed my tail. It hurt... I couldn't move. But I'll need some help."

"Eh! N-now wait a minute Goku, you don't mean-"
"Don't worry, Krillen and I will help you out. We'll put that space pirate where he belongs."

"Well if there's three of us, I guess it might be possible, but not... Not likely."

"Wait guys. It's not possible since the both of you have been brought back to life before with the Dragon Balls once before. So if either of you die here - it'll be for keeps. Shenron won't grant that wish again. You both should wait here."

"And let you fight ALONE!?" Master Roshi yelled out.

"Yeah! that'd be suicide!" Krillen followed up.

"He won't be alone." Someone piped up.

They all turn to the voice to see an enraged
Y/N. "I'm not sitting here while my brother is at risk of dying. I'm almost as strong as dad. I can fight!"

"No." Goku told him sternly. "I'm not risking you too. I'd never be able to forgive myself if you died."

Y/N went quiet. "I know! Why don't we gather the Dragon Balls and wish Shenron to save the planet?"

"Yeah! That's a great idea!"

"That's impossible. Gohan has the four star Dragon Ball on his hat. I doubt Raditz would let us anywhere near him." Y/N stated before he went to the coastline to look out towards the waves.

"We'll have to attack him head-on. He won't expect it and it'll give us a fighting edge." Goku offered

"But how would we find him in the first place?" Roshi immediately countered.

"I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead." Goku answered.

Bulma suddenly had an idea. "I know! Gohan had a Dragon Ball! We can use the Dragon radar to find him... See, there he is!" Everyone gathered around to see a fast moving ping getting further away and stopping in a field not too far away.

"Thanks Bulma." Goku said sincerely. "Alright, let's go guys. You ready?"

"Yeah! Who knows we might beat that bastard." Krillen stated

"Well, whatever happens you two should know you're the best pupils I ever had."

???: You'll never succeed. You're too weak.

A Young Warrior (Dragon Ball Z x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now