Chapter 2 - A Reunion Gone Wrong

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"Excuse me for dropping in." The armored man started. "I'm trying to find a man named Kakarot and I thought you were him."

"Well you thought wrong. Now turn around and get lost before I get angry."

"Someone's having a bad day."

"Believe me, you have no idea. Now get lost."

"Power level 322... I can tell you're not from this planet. Although you don't even compare to mine, so you'd be a fool to try and fight me."

"Now listen here, you came here and I have no intention of starting a fight."

"I do..."

'alright if that's the way he wants it.'

With a mighty roar, the green man shot an considerably sized blast at point blank range at the man who approached him with intentions to kill him - however when the smoke cleared, the man wasn't even phased.

"Impressive, you've managed to burn some of my leg hair. Now allow me to show you one of my attacks. I call it a double Sunday. See if you can follow this one"

The man says as he raises an arm but when the odd device over his eye began beeping he dropped the attack

"I guess it's your lucky day green man... There it is, just on the edge of my scouters range. And it's big. It must be the largest power level on this planet, this time it's Kakarot, I'm sure."

The armoured enemy states as he goes to meet 'Kakarot'. While the green man collapses to his knees in shock.

"I don't believe it. I hit him at full force and he didn't even flinch. This guy's a problem.

'You disgrace the Saiyan race. Once I find you I'll teach you the true power of a Saiyan warrior.'


The armored man roars in rage


On a remote island, a yellow ship labeled 'Capsule Corp.' landed and a blue-haired women exited the small plane calling out

"Hello? Hey you guys!"

A short bald man and a old man with a beard were both glad to see her



The women now known as Bulma walked in.

"Wow, you guys. It sure has been a long time hasn't it."

The old man stood up "it sure has! But look at you! Still as beautiful as ever."

"Oh you men."

"Looks like you forgot my truffles. Oh well, I'll forgive you." The old man said as he takes a sip of alcohol.

The blue haired women appeared right in front of the bearded man and yelled "SUPRISE! See? I didn't forget."

The man nearly choked on his beer. "Goodness me. Your going to spoil this old man. I'm so happy I could just squeeze ya!"
The old man perversely approached Bulma and recieved a harsh hit.

"So uhh, Bulma what have you and Yamcha been up to?" Krillen asked and Bulma grew angry.

"I never wanna see that jerk again. I didn't even tell him about this reunion. I mean, can you believe it? He went out with ANOTHER GIRL!"

"Yeesh, breaking up isn't easy, is it." Master Roshi stated with sympathy for Bulma


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