Chapter 12 - Danger! The Saiyans are Ruthless

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A shockwave felt far and wide. The warriors of Earth knew who caused it.

"What! They're here!? They were supposed to be here in a month!" Piccolo exclaims

"They're monsters" Gohan stutters out

They turned towards the bright red light emitting from the explosion that took hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting lives.


"No way... All those innocent people, dead in an instant"

Chi-Chi gets back up after the shockwave subsides. "Was that the Saiyans?" She asks her son who was still shocked at that display of power

"Yeah. I need to get there before they destroy another city" Y/N takes off running to the door but his mother calls out to him. Y/N turns around and looks back at her. Chi-Chi walks up to him and hugs him.

"Be careful, okay? I don't want to lose you or Gohan. Take care of him and yourself."

Y/N wraps his arms around his mother and they hold a small silence as they hug. After a few moments, Y/N lets go and promises to take care of Gohan. He leaves and flies towards the group of high power levels.

'It's okay, Y/N. You've been training for this. You've got this.'

With these words of self-encouragement, Y/N speeds up to meet his new allies against his new enemies.


"Get ready Gohan. They're coming straight for us." Piccolo takes off his weighted clothes and prepares to meet them head-on when he senses multiple power levels aside from the ones in front of them. "What!? They've got us surrounded."

Gohan begins to cower. "You mean there's more than just two of them?"

"Relax Gohan, compared to last year, we've increased our power tenfold."

"Right... Watch out, here they come!"

A figure lands in front of them causing both to raise their guard. Until they realized who it was. Krillin.


"Oh, it's you," Piccolo smirks. "So. What do you think you're doing here? Surely you can't mean to fight."

"I remember you! I met you back at Master Roshi's place!"

"Yeah! Gohan I remember you. You've bulked up since the last time we met.

"My dad told me about you. He said that you trained to make up for your height."

"Hold on. Goku told you what now?"

Another power level approached rapidly from behind them. They waited to see who it was until the warrior landed behind them. Revealing himself as Y/N.

"I'm glad I could make it in time."

"Y/N!" Gohan ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Y/N hugged him back.

"Gohan! I'm glad to see you're okay. I can tell you've gotten stronger. Piccolo didn't push you too hard, did he?"

"No, he didn't. Mr. Piccolo is a great teacher! He trained me to be super strong like you and dad."

"I can tell. You have gotten much stronger." Y/N walks up to Piccolo.

"Hey, I'm sorry about back when we fought Raditz. I reacted blindly. It's what my dad wanted. So I'm truly sorry for attacking you out of the blue"

A Young Warrior (Dragon Ball Z x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now