Chapter 9 - Training Starts Now!

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The sun rises over the mountains and birds chirp loudly signifying

that it is time to wake up. The night prior when Chi-Chi and Ox-King got home, they explained what happened to Gohan and how they won't see him for a year, of course, Y/N was beyond enraged. He believed that Piccolo was at fault for his father's death and not that he willingly gave his life to protect them. He walked down to the kitchen and saw his understandably upset mother making breakfast. They had lost half of their family in less than a day. They ate in silence until Y/N spoke up.

"I'm going to train for the Saiyans."

Chi-Chi looked at him with a piercing glare. "What!? You want to start training to fight them!? Are you insane!? That alien killed your father, and according to Roshi, he was the weakest of them! You think I'm just gonna let you go fight them and die as well!?"

"I'm not gonna sit around while everyone else including Gohan fights! I'm gonna beat them and protect the Earth and this family! It's what dad would have done so it's what I'm gonna do!"

"You really think your father would let you fight them? He would have told you the same thing! You are way too young. You need to stay home and study for your future!"

Y/N thinks back to his fight against Raditz where his father constantly told him to not fight. "I don't care whether he wants me to fight or not. I'm gonna fight."

This pushes Chi-Chi over the breaking point and she snaps. "That's enough! Your father died protecting you! I'm not going to let you throw your life away! Go to your room once you're done eating!" Chi-Chi sits back down with tears in her eyes. Y/N looks away in shame over causing his mother to cry. He gets up without another word and goes to his room and closes the door. He sits down on the bed and begins to think to himself.

'Before we left for Master Roshi's house, Dad told me that he was the one who taught him everything he knows.'

Y/N throws his fist loosely at his father who easily catches it and pushes him back. "Really, dad? Y/N states excitedly. "So he has to be stronger than you, right?" Goku chuckles as he starts to lightly go on the offensive forcing Y/N to start blocking and dodging. "Yeah! His methods were a bit odd at times but he really is the greatest teacher on Earth! How about I take you there sometime?" Y/N feels his blood boil in excitement. "Seriously!? Can we really go!? I can't wait!" Both Goku and Y/N jump back and get ready to spar again until Chi-Chi walked out. "There you two are! I told you Y/N that you need to study! I don't want you to become a battle junkie like your dad!"

Goku pouts, "Aww come on Chi-Chi! Let us at least train for a bit! I've been getting rusty without a good training partner. Y/N's a great sparring buddy and we never know when Piccolo will make his move!" Chi-Chi stomps toward him making the man back up slowly. "I said no! I want my children to be scholars! The new Einstein!" Goku gets an idea and subtly winks at Y/N. "I have fair trade. How about if Y/N and Gohan study all day today and tomorrow, I can take them with me to visit Master Roshi the day after that?" Chi-Chi stares at the nervous warrior before sighing. "Fine. If they study and Y/N doesn't spar with you once, I'll let them go with you. But only for a couple of hours! You got that!?" Both of them cheered and Y/N ran inside to start studying. "Wait, Y/N! You need to eat lunch first!" Chi-Chi ran after him. Goku chuckled before following them.

'I've got it! I'll go to Kame House and ask him to train me.' Y/N quietly opens the window and sneaks out to fly to Kame House. He makes his way there and has his hopes up for how strong he'll get and how he'd protect his family and friends against the evil Saiyans.

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