Chapter 7 - The First Day

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As Gohan takes off his coat he turns around and asks Piccolo

"Okay Mr Piccolo, I guess I'm ready. What now?"

"We don't do anything. You do. The first thing you need to do is learn to take care of yourself. You need to survive out here for six months alone before I teach you how to fight."

"You want me to stay here all by myself!? I can't do that it's too scary! Please I don't know what to do! I've never been all alone before!"

"That's why we're doing this. Besides, you won't be alone. There'll be plenty of wild animals to keep you company."

"You mean like lions and tigers? No, they'll eat me!"

"Quiet! Crying won't save you! It's time to start acting like a man. You need to learn to rely on yourself. If you can find the courage to survive on your own. You'll need able to harness the great power inside you. If you can do that, I guarantee you'll be able to survive 6 months."

"But I'm afraid..." Piccolo turns around and tells him and prepares to leave.

"Soon you'll laugh at your fears. I know you don't believe it now. But you are more than capable to survive. Now if you'll excuse me I have to start my own training."

"Wait but I don't have anything. What about food and a bed?"

"I told you I wasn't going to go easy on you."

"That's cruel. You can't just leave me!"

Piccolo grew annoyed. "Hey guess what! Life is cruel. Never forget that." And with that Piccolo takes off any leaves Gohan to fend for himself. Gohan tries to run after him while calling out for him. However, Piccolo is too fast and disappears in mere moments. Gohan grows tired and breaks down crying.


"Kami, what's wrong? You look upset." A man half the old guardians' size asks him.

"It's Piccolo. I can feel the evil in his heart, but I can feel a change. He's not acting the way you'd expect."

"It's quite surprising. Piccolo would never consider training Goku's son before."

"Yes, I was equally surprised when he agreed to form an alliance in order to fight Raditz. I realize he had his own motives. But that doesn't change the fact he defended Earth. Even though it seems he made an evil choice killing both Goku and Raditz. We must not forget that Goku made that choice himself in what very well may be a blessing in disguise. For now, Goku has been permitted to pursuit King Kai's training. Piccolo knows Goku will return but still chooses to train his son. Someone who could very much become an enemy."

"It doesn't make any sense."

"It does Mr. Popo. Piccolo must've come to the conclusion, just as I have. That in one year... We will die."

"What? No..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Popo. But whether Piccolo will lose die in battle. Or I will lose my life due to old age... The result is the same. My life force is bound with Piccolos. We have the same fate. That is the curse of foresight. I see my own demise... There is time for only one more wish with the Dragon Balls."


"Wow. Who knew Gohan was so strong. The power he had shown against Raditz was unbelievable. He really is a chip off the old block. Man, it really seems like I'm going nowhere. I know, I can't fly but I can jump." Goku takes a big leap and goes quite far. He keeps it up until he overshoots it and almost fell into the yellow clouds beneath. He tried to fly away but the spikes on snake way were sharp and hurt his hand. Goku got too close and shadow hands began surrounding him. With a burst of Ki, he got away and landed back on snake way.

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