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Since people ask so many damn questions, yes Katsuki has little space. I literally explained it in the next chapter. He simply doesn't slip a lot in these chapters but when he's alone with Kirishima he slips.

Katsuki is also a daddy and I need to go back and edit previous chapters of this story because it has changed a lot in recent chapters. I'm not trying to be rude but sometimes all your questions will literally be answered in the next chapters, just continue to read it. I'll probably be making a QnA for this story anyways.

The three heroes arrive at the hospital, Kirishima crying, Bakugo fuming, and Izuku out cold. Soon the whole medical team wheeled the poor greenette out of the ambulance, things being shouted between all the doctors and nurses. That's when Bakugo finally broke down and cried, everything stopped. Not a word was said, no breaths were audible, and it seemed everything in that world had just stopped moving. "Oh Kat..." Kirishima says softly, he quickly pulled Bakugo into a tight hug and let him cry into his shoulder. The doctors finally started to move again, all of them hurried to get Izuku into ICU. "I-it's all m-my fault..!" Bakugo yells into Kirishima's bare chest.

Kirishima simply just swooped Bakugo up in his arms and walked into the hospital, "C-could you tell me which room Midoriya Izuku is..?" Kirishima asks the check out/in person (who ever tf they are) softly, "Yes Mr. Red Riot, he's in room 432. Down the hall to the left." The person says quietly, Kirishima nodded and walked over to the room the lady sent the two heroes to.

"Is big Kat here or little kat..?" Kirishima whispers softly so he doesn't get any unwanted attention from others in the hallway, "Big kat.. Sorta.." Bakugo mumbles into the red head's chest. "Well we're about to see our baby.... I dunno if your in the right headspace.." Kirishima contemplates on his choice of words. Anything can make the hot headed blonde explode in his face. Literally. "I can fuckin take it." Bakugo says sassily, Kirishima pursed his lips then sighed. "Remember cursing down to a minimal." The poor tired red head says softly, Bakugo simply nods. "I wanna see Deku now.." The blonde buries his head in the crook of Kirishima's neck, "Okay.." Kirishima's voice falters, his anxiety spiking.

"Let's do this..."

His broken smile (KiriBakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now