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The Next Day

Izuku's POV

I groaned awake, clearly not in little space anymore. Everything hurts. I don't wanna move I just wanna cuddle with my two new boyfriends and my stuffie... I turn my head slightly to see a sleeping Kacchan next to me curled into a ball, he must've had a bad sensory overload last night.. Too many beeping noises, too much stress, and anxiety for him.

I look to my right and see a sleeping Kirishima, his face is tear streaked and pained. I need to comfort him.. I tried to sit up, only to be greeted with a sharp pain shooting from my chest all the way to my legs. I cried out in pain, and the pain was enough to make me slip.. I just laid there and cried, i don't wanna bother anyone...

Bakugo's POV

I stayed asleep in my protective ball most of the night, until I felt moving on Izuku's side of the bed, and then crying. It was soft crying but I still heard it. "I-Izu..?" Damnit I'm little.. "D-daddy..!" I whisper yelled, "H-hwe better w-wake uppie.." I grunt angrily. "D-daddy.." I look up at Izu, "I-I knwo..
Y-you're h-hwurt.." I say sadly placing a light hand on his chest, being very careful to not hit a stitch. Daddy would be proud!

Kirishima's POV

I groggily open my eyes to a sight that broke my heart.. Izuku is crying clearly in pain and Bakugo doesn't know how to help.. They're clearly both in little space.. I rub the tiredness out of my eyes and stumble my way over to Bakugo, "Okay.. up ya go.." I whisper while picking Bakugo up. "M-mwe didn't
t-touch a-anwy of I-Izu's stitches!" Bakugo say proudly, I smile softly. "Good job my little explosion" I know he just wants lots of praise.

Now to my crying baby.. "Pebble~.." I coo while sliding on the bed next to him. "D-dada...?" I felt my heart melt at Izuku's little voice, "Yup it's Dada.. What can I do to make you feel better baby boy?" I whisper while setting a rough hand on top of Izuku's tiny and cold one. "K-kwiss..?" I smiled warmly at his request.. I placed small butterfly kisses all across his stitches and new scars, then I moved up to his beautiful porcelain face, placing super duper feather light kisses on his forehead, cheeks, and last but not least his lips. I sat up completely blushing wildly, but Izuku was blushing more than me. I chuckled softly and laid next to him, letting Bakugo straddle me, and allowing Izuku to set his tired little head on my shoulder.

After a while of me whispering sweet nonsense to my two adorable babies I decide to actually sleep myself.

His broken smile (KiriBakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now