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Izuku's POV:

I played with Hawks wings while he called Bubba and Sharky, I didn't have my phone on me cause Sharky had it with him in pocket. "Okay, I'll see you when you get here Kirishima. Bye." What Hawks had said caught my attention for like a second before I went back to playing with his wings. "Kirishima is coming to ge-" Hawks got cut short by the office door slamming open. "Tsk.. He was my great creation and he treats me like this!?" I started to shake at the loud voice. "Endeavor shut your mouth!" Hawks turned around and took me in his arms. I hugged him back and buried my face in the crook of Hawks neck. "Why should I?! This is my office too!" Endeavor yelled again, I felt a panic attack creeping up on me. I started to scratch at Hawks jacket. "Shhh, it's okay.. nothing's going to happen baby bird.." Hawks whispered into my ear, taking me into his lap. "Isn't that our new number one?!" I can hear Endeavor's big feet walking closer to us, and that's when things started to spiral out of control. I started to hyperventilate, my vision becoming blotchy, and disoriented. I think some yelling was going on but I was too focused on trying to breathe, and next thing you know I was out cold.

Hawks POV

Izuku is having a panic attack, and I wasn't fast enough to stop it. "What the hell?! He isn't fit to be number one!" Endeavor screams, his flames hitting my wings. "Shut the hell up! It isn't his fault you flaming pile of dog shit!" I screamed back, "You don't understand what he's gone through, hell what his father did to him is worse than what you did to your kids, and I never thought someone could be worse than you." I let venom sink into every one of my words, making the point get across his extra thick skull.

Izuku started to thrash in my arms, "I-I'm sorry! I'll come home f-faster!" He sounded so scared, but all I could do is hold him close to me until Kirishima and Bakugou came for him. "I don't see how they let this 18 year old be number one. Hell that explosive kid was a better fit for the position." Endeavor's loud voice boomed off the walls. "Get out." If he doesn't leave in the next five seconds we are fighting. "Now why should I?" Endeavor taunts, "What're you gunna do? Stab me with your feathers?!" He's pushing me, I take off my jacket and set it over Midoriya. The best thing I can do is let him ride out the panic attack for now, I pluck a feather from my wings and make it harden. "You're no match for me Hawks and you know that." Endeavor scoffed, I rolled my eyes. Then I swiftly put my feather up to his basically nonexistent throat. "Hawks, we're he-.." I looked over at the door and notice Kirishima holding Bakugou's hand, I quickly realized he was little so I hid the feather. "Endeavor, step out." I say with the fakest smile I can manage. "Tch, dumb bird." It took everything in me to not just impale him with my feather, but I let it go.

As he walked out he slammed the door behind him, earning him a huge yelp from Midoriya. Kirishima and Bakugou quickly rush over to him and hold him close. "What the hell happened?!" Kirishima asks frantically, "Endeavor happened." I sighed. "What do you mean??" The redhead comes close to yelling, but I guess both littles were refraining him from doing so. "He was yelling at Midoriya, causing some painful memories to resurface." I mutter under my breath. "Wait so you know too?" Kirishima sounds shocked. "Yeah, me, Mic, and Aizawa knew what used to go on but he had told us everything stopped.. Was he lying..?" I explain, then adding the most important question at last. "Well..." Kiri sighed, "Yes.. A few weeks ago.. We had to bring him home because he had fallen into little space while on patrol. The outside looked so clean and well kept but then we had walked inside, it was like a whole other dimension." I set a hand on Kiri's shoulder, he took a shaky breath and continued talking, "There was multiple bloodstains on the hardwood floor, some looked old and some looked at least a day old. Bakugou had asked Izu where he kept his little space stuff and that lead us to entering the master bedroom. Also, the place where Izu's father slept. There were different.. different sexual things in there, none of which look like had been cleaned in a while." Kiri stopped and noticed Bakugou had tears streaming down his face, and Midoriya was covering his ears. I picked Bakugou up and sat down next to Kiri, "W-we saw Izu's hero mask on the b-bed.. and some disheveled clothing on the ground. G-given that he had worn the mask the day before.. We knew that some bad thing went down in that room the night before.." Kirishima's breathing started to pick up. I quickly set Bakugou down, "Kirishima, name 3 things you see." I rub mini circles onto his back, "I-izu.. y-your jacket.. a-and.. that's i-it.." His breathing slowed down a little bit. "It's okay.. see, everything is okay." I whisper, making sure that he relaxed. "I'm s-sorry.." Kiri hangs his head in shame, "It's fine. You don't need to tell me the rest okay? I'll ask Aizawa." I say, trying to lighten up the mood. 

Then Bakugou's phone rings, I guess he forced himself out of little space cause he managed to pick it up. "Hello?" The ash blonde sounds a bit spooked but not too much that anyone else would notice. "What do you mean press conference?!" He screams into the phone. Then I remembered hearing something about these three having to explain why they were gone for so long. I quickly take the phone away from Bakugou, "Give them 30 minutes and they'll be ready." I swiftly say then hang up the phone, "What they hell extra?!" I snickered at the small tantrum Bakugou was throwing. "Is Baby bird okay? He's been a little quiet." I say while placing the phone back into Bakugou's hand. "He fell asleep." Kiri says softly. "You guys should help Baby Bird get ready." I give them a small smile. "Yeah.. Damn extra." Bakugou tried to sound tough but it failed him, I chuckled. "Shoo.." I get up then help both males up, "See ya later Hawks." Kiri gives me a toothy smile, instead of saying something Bakugou gave me a quick hug and ran out the room. 

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