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Izuku's POV

My anxiety is spiking. I don't want the rape kit.. What if it gets out to the media? What if they make me stop being a hero? What if people look at me differently?! How invasive is it?! What if they ask too many questions?! What if I fall into little space?!..

I start to hyperventilate, too many thoughts, the lights are flashing, the room is spinning. I want Kacchan and Kiri...! "Izu...Ge...Nur..!" Who is that?! Who's yelling?! Why'm I moving? What's going on?! 

Aizawa's POV

I was walking Izuku to the examination room so they could run the kit on him. After a while of walking he starts mumbling to himself, I brush it off since he's always saying stuff to himself, but that's when it escalated. He started to hyperventilate and stumbled around, "IZUKU?! GET THE NURSE!" I yell angrily, I hear feet shuffling but I don't bother to even look up. I scoop Izuku up in my arms and hold him close to my chest. I need him to calm down.. And I didn't grab the pacifier from the room, so what was left? Humming. What's his favorite song again?! Arcade..

I take a deep breath and hum, hopefully these vibrations can calm him..

Izuku's POV

I can't breath.. It's too dark here. I want out! I don't wanna be here any longer-.. What's that feeling..? I press my body closer to the vibrations and eventually my vision becomes a bit clearer. "Izuku..?" That voice... It's sensei..! Erm.. "Dad..?"

Aizawa's POV

"Dad..?" I was taken back from surprise, Dad?! Why did he call me..? I'll ask him later I suppose. "Y-yeah Izuku? Can you see me now?" Got dang it, I didn't mean to stutter. "Mhm.." He nodded into my chest, "Mr. Eraserhead, we need to take him now." Some nurse said while setting a hand on my shoulder, it was very unsettling but nothing I can do about it. "Izuku. You have to go with them okay?" I mumbled stroking his somewhat soft hair, "O-okay." I finally set him down making sure he's balanced and okay. "If something bad happens you either scream or you try and use your quirk okay.?" I say out of earshot of the nurse, he nods his head and gives me a quick hug. "Let's go, we don't have all day, even if your a useless number one hero." The nurse mumbled the last part, as if I couldn't hear her.

My blood boiled but Izuku simply set a delicate hand on my shoulder and walked away with the nurse.

Kirishima's POV

I walked home, Bakugo still asleep in my arms. We must look insane given we haven't taken a shower in a day and we have blood all over us, but I mean.. We don't we look like bloody murders all the time? I keep thinking about how bad we actually look and somehow my thoughts ended up being about birds- Then I forgot where I was going. I glance at the neighborhood I'm in and sigh in relief as it's the right one we live in. "Bakubaby.." I whisper while stroking his hair, my arms are officially dead, but if he doesn't wanna wake up I won't force him. "Ngh...no.." I sighed softly.. Guess he doesn't wanna walk or wake up.

I continue to walk down the sidewalk hoping nobody comes out their houses and see us. I have no strength to sign autographs nor does Baku wanna wake up. "Red riot!" I hear a little kid shriek my name, I grunt angrily, and throw on the best smile I can manage at a time like this. "Oh go get his autograph dear...- Or perhaps we should wait for another time." I sigh gratefully at the mother and continue to walk to our house.

His broken smile (KiriBakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now