"The Names...XChara (Prologue)

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Ink's POV:

I was with everyone and we were thinking of a way to find XChara. "Ink what are suppose to do" Blue asked and I didn't know, so I kept silent "Well I'am go look for the others" Blue said and left. You might be wondering why I am thinking for once, well Me and Error started dating a little after we made a truce (This Is awhile after the X-Event and XChara would cause some bits of destruction) and the others didn't take It that fondly but It seems Dream and Blue are trying to make friends, but the 'Bad guys', besides Error, are to stubborn. I snapped back Into reality when I heard Nightmare yelling at Dream (Oh I can not wait for Dairy to, In my opinion, roast at Nightmare) so I went outside of the room to see them arguing. "Hey what's going on" I asked and Nightmare looked me, then he turned away and left, so I looked at Dream. Dream had told me what had happened and I just wanted to scream at him, but as I was about to leave Cross came In, saying that XChara Is In the doodlesphere, so we quickly got ready and left to kill XChara once and for all. (Listen you are NOT RUINING MY SHIP)

Cross Chara's POV:

I was walking through the Doodlesphere looking for an AU to stay at when I had forgotten those Idiotic Sanses are looking for me. As I was about to leave the Doodlesphere I was attacked by the Idiotic Star Sanses and Bad guys. I dodged only a few of their attacks before I opened a random portal to a random AU. Bleeding I fell on the floor seeing only a pink blob as my vision blurred and everything went black...

Betty's POV:

As I was walking to plains I saw a boy, or what looked to be a boy covered In...blood. I was shocked when he got up "Hello" I said and he turned to me, then he brought out a large sword looking knife "Cool..." I said bringing out my scythe "Listen I am an antagonist looking for an AU to mess around with" The boy said "Well I guess you could say I am the antagonist here, the names Bete Noire but you can call me Betty" I said getting rid of my scythe and sticking my arm out "The names XChara but I would prefer you call me CC" CC said "Hey what are you doing to your wounds" I asked pointing to them "Oh I am using code to heal myself" CC said "That's cool" I said and we started walking back to my base of operations to destroy the monster and humans that try and stop us.



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