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Gaster's POV:

I was working with the device Papyrus found. "Hey Gaster find anything on that device?" Frisk asked, coming Into the room "No, I can't figure anything out about this thing, all I know I that the name of It Is engraved Into It" I explained "Wait! There's a name of the device engraved Into It, then there should be some Initials engraved to, right?" Frisk asked and I was shocked 'How did I not think of that' I looked next to the name of the device "J.G. That's the Initials and the name of the device Is Memory" I explained "So whoever owns It knows how to activate It" Papyrus explained and the device turned on "Or It's voice activated" I said "I'll get the others" Frisk said and once he got them I pressed a button that made It display an Image. It showed a teen giving a skeleton a piggyback ride. Everyone was amazed "Woah" I said "There's more skeleton's" Frisk said, amazed by the sight were seeing "The skeleton has pink and brown eyes" Papyrus said "Does that mean It has the Fear soul" Frisk asked "I got to say the picture Is so heartwarming" Toriel said "You are right about that, Toriel" Asgore agreed "Not gonna lie the teen reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on who they remind me of" Papyrus said and he was right the teen In this image does look like someone we know, but who...

No one's POV:

Gaster was questioning who the teen was and so were the others. Who do you think It Is...



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