"Are We Really That Different From Each Other"

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The video is actually not relevant to the chapter just put It there because I am getting Into Camp Camp and I actually like the Animatic also I do NOT own the song or the Animatic credits for the song In the Animatic and the animatic Itself go to there respect owners


As I was with Betty I noticed from her that she can have fun and can be nice. In the Info about the AU It's says 'She Is unable to love, feel, and be nice to others' when really she Isn't like that at all, she can feel and be nice, I don't really know about the love part because I don't know how she will fall In love since she Is the antagonist of this AU, but It's good to believe that she can. "Hey CC, can I ask you a question?" Betty asked me "Shoot" I answered back "What Is your backstory" Betty asked and I explained to her my backstory and told her that It wasn't half bad except the part where I accidentally OVERWRITED myself Into XFrisk. "Wow..." Betty said taking all of what I said Into context.

Betty's POV:

CC just told me his past and I got to say It's sad,'Are we really that different from each other' I thought...I mean...we both are hated and feared, people and monsters are after us, but everything can't be fair for people. "Hey CC, wanna go cause mayhem!" I asked, Enthusiastically "Hell yeah!" CC said. (If you have read my other books you would know that this Is a reference to another one of my books) So as we got ready, we knew what we had to do. So as soon as CC and I were ready we left to go cause mayhem.

Gaster's POV: (I bet your thinking finally someone else, someone related to Glitchtale)

I was walking around the AMD building when Papyrus came out of Sans room In a hurry so I stopped him. "Papyrus what Is wrong!?" I asked "Betty she Is attacking again" Papyrus said panicked and I soon get serious. As me and Papyrus left to go help the others, we saw someone helping Betty "BETTY DID YOU STEAL ANOTHER SOUL!" Frisk yelled In anger, pure anger "No" Betty simple said "I joined her" The pale boy said. They fought for awhile, until Betty and the boy retreated for some odd reason. "Hey Gaster, what's this" Papyrus said picking up a device, which he gave to me "I'm not sure Papyrus, but we better get back to the house.

Sci's POV:

As I was trying to find XChara I felt glares sting the back of my neck and I knew who were glaring at me, It was the former Bad Guy's and The Star Sanses. As I worked, Outer would sometimes sneak up on me. I knew what he wanted, but I was busy so this time I told him to go talk with the others and get them to stop glaring at me. As Outer went over there, I knew he probably was going to telling them what I did for him and that I am not so bad...as...everyone...says...

Outer's POV:

As I walked over to everyone else I wanted to ask them an Important question. "Can I ask you guys an Important question?" I asked "Sure Outer" Blue said "Well what do you guys think of Sci?" I said "We don't think of him as a good guy because of what he did to us" Blue said and I knew about the experiment he did on the Star Sanses, but he Is sorry for It "We don't really care" Nightmare said "I despise the guy for experimenting on my Kiki" Error said "Anyways how are you alive, you died during the X-Event" Killer asked "Well that's the thing..." I paused "Well I also am curious on why your here In Sciences' lab" Dream said "Well Sci brought me back to life" I explained. Everyone was surprised on what Sci did "Yeah...only this AU knows I'm alive, reason being why I am not going back to my AU Is because I am still learning how to do things on my own, since I was dead for a little while" I explained. Then we started to talk a little more about what has been going on In the multiverse and how everyone lives were.



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