My Memory

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Gaster's POV:

I had to go on patrol with Jessica, while Ronan and Undyne went to different spot for patrol. But first she needed to talk to someone named Rave Rutrow. As we waited I overheard Ronan talking to Undyne about Rave Rutrow and his relation to Jessica. Finally Jessica came out with Rave "I'm helping you guys get to a certain place" Rave said. After a long while Me, Jessica, and Rave to to our area to patrol and Undyne and Ronan got to theirs. As we walked we heard thuds from underground, Jessica bent down and, like she could sense something 'She can't do anything'  I thought "Something's coming" Jessica said "We can hear that, but what Jessica?" Rave asked "Danger..." Jessica said "What do you mean 'Danger'?" I asked "I...........don't know" Jessica said and she seemed truthful, scared, and..............................frighten. We felt the ground shake more, then black spikes flung up about to hit Rave when Jessica pushed him and got stabbed Instead "Jess......." Rave said, surprised and sad to see what Jessica did "It.........doesn't...............hurt" Jessica said, falling to her knees "I'm..............a bit.............cold" Jessica said "Hey take It easy, you Injured" Rave said, walking up to her "But............I.............can..........." Jessica was trying to speak when she coughed up blood. I then hear Ronan and Undyne coming over, but they did not notice Jessica's condition "Hey guys, there's something under the......" Ronan stopped when he saw Jessica "Oh my........." I heard someone say. We looked over to see a skeleton who had pink pinpricks "I see a light pink soul over there" A kid said "Zachary what do you mean?" Zara asked "There's someone over there that had a pink soul and now there near whoever In Injured" Zachary said "Jess......" The skeleton said "Hey get away from her" Rave said "Oh I thought you had a grudge on her, by the way my name Is Fea, the skeleton soul of Fear" Fea said 'A skeleton with the soul of Fear, that would mean the soul Is upside down, but has colors'  I thought and I saw he was already next to her "Everyone needs you to be okay" Fea said "Don't you remember what you did for us, who you fought for, who you lost" Fea said and I saw he was tearing up.

Jessica's POV:

I was patrolling with Gaster and Rave when I told them I sensed danger, but then black spikes came up about to hurt Rave. I pushed Rave away and got stabbed Instead, I saw his reaction he was surprised and sad "It.........doesn't...............hurt" I said, falling to the ground "Hey take It easy, you Injured" Rave said, walking up to her "But............I.............can..........." I was trying to speak when I coughed up blood. I then hear Ronan and Undyne coming over, but I don't think they noticed my condition "Hey guys, there's something under the......" Ronan stopped when he probably saw me "Oh my........." I heard someone say. Everyone looked over and they saw a skeleton but I saw my adopted son "I see a light pink soul over there" A kid said "Zachary what do you mean?" Zara asked "There's someone over there that had a pink soul and now there near whoever In Injured" Zachary said "Jess......" Fea said "Hey get away from her" Rave said "Oh I thought you had a grudge on her, by the way my name Is Fea, the skeleton soul of Fear" Fea said and he ran over to me "Everyone needs you to be okay" Fea said "Don't you remember what you did for us, who you fought for, who you lost" Fea said and I saw he was tearing up. "Don't you remember Electrontale Gaster, he found you, raised you, and trained you, Electrontale Papyrus and Sans found Zenix and Zephyr, your brothers, what did those scientist do to you" Fea said "" I said "" I said again remembering who everyone was and then Fea gave me a hug "Heya F-Fea" I said "You know him" Rave said "Yes and It's time you all learned the truth" I said, putting the energy I had to healing myself "My Memory, the device I created" I said "Wait, you and Fea were the two In the picture!?!" Gaster asked" Yes, It has my memories" I said.



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