Falling In love

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Okay so Science is kind of hated by the entire multiverse besides Outer and the reason why he Is hated Is because he kind of tested on the Star Sanses also, Outer is part of the Fallen Star Sanses but the Fallen Star Sanses don't use they powers that much anymore since there Is no more war between them

Blue's POV:

I saw that Dream was talking with Ink when I came in "Guys what are we going to do to find XChara?" I asked "Maybe we can ask Science for help-" Me and Ink cut Dream off "NO!" we both yelled and we all know why we don't go around Science "Why don't you want to go ask Science for help?" Dream asked "Well for one, last time we saw him he basically kidnapped and tested on us" I said "And second no one goes to see him anymore since he Is hated by the entire multiverse because of what he did to us" Ink said "Well how are we suppose to find Cross Chara then?" Dream said and he did have a point Science Is the smartest skeleton we know, but It Is Ink decision If we go there "We'll go there but the Bad Guys are coming with us" Ink said and we went to tell the others.

Sci's POV: (Also since Outer was killed In Underverse or what was called the X-Event, Sci brought him back, but Outer Is still learning how to do normal things own his own, such as walking on his own. Also Sci and Outer are already dating because they fell In love after Sci helped Outer get used to being alive again, also Stars Is the nickname Sci gave Outer)

I was In my lab working on some Important things for...Gaster...when Outer came In with his cane. "Hey Stars" I said "Heya" Outer said coming over and hugging me from behind "Stars what are you doing?" I asked "What I can't hug my boyfriend?" Outer asked "Ha ha very funny" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek bone. As I was about to head out to get lunch with Outer someone knocked on the door "Come In" I said. The Star Sanses and Bad Guys came In shocked to see Outer "Is there something you need?" I asked kind of being rude but I didn't care "We need your help finding XChara" Dream said "And why should I help you?" I asked turning around "Well you did kidnap us" Blue said, I paused and Stars came over telling me maybe I should help them "...Fine I'll help you" I said "That's the spirit Sci" Outer said and I just smiled at him and I started to get Information about XChara and where he could or would possibly go.


I was with Betty when she started planning something so I asked what she was planning. "Hey Betty what are you planning?" I asked "Well CC I have one role In this world and that Is to make sure Monsters and Humans are never at peace" Betty said "That seems...sad..." I said turning away, but I knew she was looking at me "Well what Is something you have to do...or are forced to do?" Betty asked and I turned towards her "I was original just a normal kid until my so called 'father' started testing on our timeline and so I started to rebel against him but lost..." I paused and saw Betty have sort of a face of shock "And after I lost I became his lab rat until our AU was destroyed, but I did go on to mess with other AU's after I got a physical form" I finished "So what Is your full story, Betty?" I asked "Well my original name was Amber Lightvale, I was born a little bit after the monsters were sealed Into the underground..." Betty paused a little "I later got my trait which was half Integrity and half kindness, but later on as I grew my brother and sister would fight about freeing or not freeing the monsters then they fought In the arena...Agate lost and left, but later returned faking everything..." Betty paused again "Hey you don't have to finish If you don't want to" I said knowing she didn't like her backstory "Agate wanted a rematch but my brother Copper refused and Agate went after me and so she killed me, then Copper, and finally made me what I am now..." Betty paused "..." I was silent "...A...monster..." Betty finished.

No one's POV:

Betty thought of herself as a monster, a creature that humans would say 'Never knew how to love' and CC knew what monster meant to her. He felt bad for her, their backstories were similar, both hurt by someone you are suppose to trust, someone to take care of you when your down, but they stab you In the back Instead. "I feel so bad for her, she got killed and became something she never wanted to be" CC thought In his head, he knew his story was pretty bad, but getting killed by someone you can trust Is awful. CC felt this way because when he accidentally OVERWRITED himself Into XFrisk and when XFrisk was later killed by Sans, CC never actually trusted Cross at all. Betty felt that her story was bad but not that bad she had heard a lot worse.

But they both felt as If they were closer to each other even If they didn't fully know each other, It's as If their fate already knew they would fall love with each other.



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