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Some sad shet and some wholesome shet Is going to happen this Is also inspired by the video above, In which I do NOT own, credits go to their respective owners. But I changed It because I can't think of Science's AU being truly bad so I made It where Gaster was controlled to do It.

No one's POV:

Everyone was arguing about XChara, but Error and Ink were not really yelling at each other In the argumentative situation "Hey, can you guys keep It down, you're wanting me to help but how can I help through your guys yelling!" Sci shouted "Oh! shut It science freak" Nightmare said "Nightmare!" Dream said In sort of a scolding motherly way "What, he tested on you with his own free-will!" Nightmare shouted "No he didn't!" Outer yelled starting to get anger and wanted to throw an axe at Nightmares' head "What do you know, space shit" Nightmare remarked "You do know Sci was kidnapped and tested on, Taken for awhile and needs therapy, which we still haven't gotten him, and his Gaster tested on him, but was being controlled by the people who kidnapped him after controlling Gaster. Sci forgives Gaster, but Gaster still doesn't forgive himself" Outer explained showing everyone, minus Sci, saw red, crimson, pinpricks.

Outer's POV:

"I think you should leave, we'll call you when we've found something" I said In a serious tone, which never happens. Once they left I check on Sci who had started to tear up and hug me when I got close enough "Don't worry Sci, I am going to make sure no one hurts you like that ever again" I said teleporting us to my house which I saw Comet, my brother "Hey bro" I said "Oh hey Sans did you bring your boyfriend" Comet asked "Yeah, he just needs a night off of his work In his AU" I explained, still holding Sci tightly and teleported us to my room where we fell asleep peacefully.

Sci's POV:

I was hearing everyone, besides Outer, arguing "Hey, can you guys keep It down, you're wanting me to help but how can I help through your guys yelling!" I shouted "Oh! shut It science freak" Nightmare said and I froze looking the other way thinking about what kids would say to me when I was younger 'Science freak' 'He's just a nobody whos Into science' 'You must be more of a science freak than we thought'  I noticed I was starting to tear up then I heard Outer. "I think you should leave, we'll call you when we've found something" Outer said, I looked at the time It has been a little bit, 'Heh guess i doze off for a little longer than I expected'  I thought to myself still tearing up more. Outer came over to me after everyone left and I hugged him tightly, but he didn't notice. "Don't worry Sci, I am going to make sure no one hurts you like that ever again" Outer said, teleporting us to his house, In which I saw Comet, his Papyrus, In his AU "Hey bro" Outer said "Oh hey Sans did you bring your boyfriend" Comet asked and I blushed a little, even If I have been here and heard It multiple times, It still got me "Yeah, he just needs a night off of his work In his AU" Outer explained, still holding me tightly and teleported us to my room where we fell asleep peacefully.



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