Chapter 4-Getting help [Y/N POV]

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We all quickly rushed to the meeting room to discuss our options. When Jaxx walked in Morris immediately asked "What are our options" Jaxx gave a concerned look then said "We only have two and neither of them are good we could tow the sub back up but its 50  50 that the tanks will explode. And the only other option is we send a rescue team down to save them but nobody has ever gone that far down." Mac then cut in "Actually one person has." Heller then buts in "No absolutely not he went insane." "He saved 11 lives Heller including yours." "He is washed up and an alcoholic on a Thailand beach" Dj then buts in and goes "we have attempted dives and some point the depth just becomes a number." "Try this for a number then 3 that's the amount of people who have attempted a rescue mission and 1 that's the number of people who have lived to tell the story and that's Jonas Taylor. My grandfather then goes "then it's finial we are going to Thailand." My mom then goes "But." "Not now suyin" and she just looks down.

On the way to the helicopter Mac goes " I will go with him" That was settled. Shortly after they were in the helicopter on the way to Thailand. As we stayed back me my mom and Heller all went to the meeting room. After about ten minuets Heller had already pulled up the footage of him interrogating Jonas. Watching the footage the only thing i could focus on was how attractive Jonas was. Towards the end i saw Heller start to feel uncomfortable so he stopped it. My mom then asks "What do you think happened down there?" "I think he lost it and there about to send him down in the exact same position." Heller replied with.

All of a sudden Jaxx comes running into the room yelling "you need to come to the control room" We all shot up and started running toward the room. When we got there on of the people say "we have a new problem there running out of oxygen." My mom goes "ok get a glider ready i'm going to tow them." "Mom you can't if the tanks blow you will die to." i practically yell at her "We have to try y/n" mom mom replied with "What about me and Meiying" i cried "i'm sorry but i have to try there our friends" and with that she was out the room. i heard her calmly explain to my sister where she was going i just prayed that my grandfather and mac would be back soon with Jonas.

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