Chapter 7.

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Jonas POV:

I watched as y/n and her little sister climbed out of the sub the only to things i could think of was how beautiful y/n was. The second thought that was going through my mind was can i keep the promise to her little sister who i think is called meiying. I quickly finished everything of and put my earpiece in. I had diverted all power to make sure i could descend at a quick speed. I was sweating about seeing her again after everything that went down between us at least she wouldn't think i was crazy this had to be by far the best told you so.

I quickly started my journey down after contemplating whether or not to go ahead with it. I heard Mac say to the other girl who i assume is y/n's mom "Suyin you can come back up now the advised sub is on route." "No he can give assist us on the way back up." she replied with. Was this girl insane if the tanks blew they would all die and her two daughters would be left without there mother and i hadn't heard either one of them talk about there father so i assumed that he weren't around. "Mac tell her to get out of the way the more people down there makes it a bigger ship" i practically growled. "You just told her yourself Jonas green light is for single channel communication." Mac replied with you could hear the grin that plastered his face. I then heard suyin let a little laugh out. "I can see them" she suddenly spoke out. "I'm going to attach myself now." 

Then all of a sudden you heard like a bang that came from her end. "Something just hit my ship" No shit Sherlock i thought. she then screamed and said "It's a giant squid it's crushing me." I quickly signed off the communication so nothing froze over. when i was through the 'ocean floor' i put it back on just in time to hear suyin say "It's a shark. A really big one." Suyin called out "A Megalodon" i said while sighing. "I'm so glad i'm not crazy" i said with a smile while looking at the camera.  All of a sudden i saw the meg going for Suyin's glider as her lights were on. "Suyin turn you're lights off" I practically yelled "I can't it's counting down so its now out of my control." She said while panicking. I weren't going to let her die she had two daughters who love her dearly. Without another thought i let off my different things such as the bomb things.

The shark instantly came rushing towards me  as i made my way towards the bashed up sub that was sat on the bottom of the floor. Suyin was now making her way back to the surface after a heated debate with her father. I quickly attached my hatch to there's as i started working on getting there hatch open. We had to hurry because if the shark hit while we were still attached we would all die. I opened the hatch to see Lori who rolled her eyes when she realized it was me "I hate to say i told you so but this is the worlds best told you so." i say with a sarcastic smile as i started to haul her up when i saw a screwdriver had impaled her. "That doesn't look so good" i said as i set her down when my radar started to beep. "Hurry" i yelled "What happens if that thing hit us while we are still attached?" Lori asked. "Then we all die" i replied with. The first man got up and yelled "Toshi Hurry" but it was to late the last man who was clearly called Toshi had closed the hatch and pulled the lever making us shoot up towards the the station.

Lori and the Male were both silently crying from losing one of there closest mates. I knew what they were going through the pain of being the ones who survived. As we got to the surface i saw everyone waiting to see who had actually made it back alive.

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