Chapter 9

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I silently stood outside his room so i could catch my breath as i couldn't believe what had happened. I mean i weren't complaining he was buff but he is like 7 years older than me. My thoughts were interrupted when mac come walking round the corner "you all right there y/n?" he asked concerned when he saw me standing against the wall. "Yeah i'm fine thank you." i calmly replied with. I then started walking with him to where the meeting was being held. I technically weren't allowed a say in anything that was going to happen as i don't really enjoy this type of thing. But I think I had the right idea to leave the fucking thing alone. 

When we got to the meeting I took a seat next to my sister away from the meting table. I sat there in silence so i could listen in to it. Then Jonas came and leaned against the wall by us. "Hey crazy!" my sister whisper yelled. He lent down so she could talk into his ear. "Thank you for keeping your promise." she said before getting up and leaving i followed closely behind her because no one could agree on what to do so it was just getting annoying and pointless. Meiying got her toy ball that could be controlled by her Ipad and we started walking around with it before it went through the construction cover we carefully walked through when something came from beneath and bit the glass. We both screamed and hoped someone would hear as we were both frozen from fear. I was hugging Meiying tight trying to calm her even though i was terrified myself but that's what big sisters are for. I suddenly heard Jonas Mac and our Mom yelling our names

A/N Sorry for slow update and short update its been the 6 weeks holiday in the uk and i've been babysitting and preparing myself for going into year 10. 

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