Chapter 5- Unexpected Visitor (Jonas Pov)

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Jonas Pov

I was sat at a bar in Thailand drinking as per usual i was getting money by letting people use my boat. I feel the bar tender take my old drink out of my hand and replace it with a fresh one. I only spent my days drinking as there was nothing better to do i had lost everything after the rescue mission. I then heard my boat pull in so i headed out to he docks with my beer still in hand. "Your boats going to be the end of me it broke down again" spoke the main  fisherman. "I will take a look at it tonight" i replied with. "you said that last night and the night before" "i am working up to it" i replied with. "you drink to much" he piratically spat at me. "Now your only saying that because i literally have a beer in my hand" i said with as a sarcastic smirk plastered my face. "You always have a beer in your hand do you know why" "Because i drink to much" i said as i raised my beer.

With that i secured my boat and hoped on my motor cycle to head home. As i was on the way home i made sure to smile at everyone who smiled at me. Then a helicopter suddenly came into view. My heart sunk i knew exactly who he was and what he would want.  I quickly raced home knowing who i was going to face but i didn't know who he was going to be with. I opened my front door and there was Mac and Dr Zhang. Me and mac shared a few words then hugged and i knew there was a problem. I walked towards the fridge when mac came out with "Jonas we have a huge" "problem but like you know mac i don't dive anymore" i cut him off. Dr Zhang then cut in and said something i then came out with. "Don't get me wrong i think you do an excellent job at what you do and i have tremendous respect for your work." "Your to kind Mr" "No i'm not" i replied with.

Then Mac came out and said "this was captured this morning then played the recording. My heart sunk it was Lori my ex wife. Even tho i no longer had feelings for her i still care and i couldn't be the reason she dies. This was also a chance to prove i'm not crazy. I quickly packed my bag and we were soon out the door our way to china. I was a bag of nerves. Mac noticed and gave me a reassuring smile. It didn't do much i was more worried about how my ex would react when she saw that hey recruited me to come save her ass.   

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