Chapter 13

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y/n pov:

I slipped into the cage with my heart pounding as they slowly lowered me down. "Just adding some bait to make you tastier" the wall said with a little laugh. "Lovely" I said while giggling. Suddenly i was surrounded by at least 50 great white sharks one hit the cage which made me let out a little yelp. "Are you ok down there?" A very concerned Jonas asked me "Yeh i'm fine just some little sharks." i calmly replied with. I heard a little laugh come out of a few of them then jaxx said "It's approaching." My heart was now racing as i couldn't see it then i had the sudden urge to look down and there it was coming towards the cage and bang it had the cage in its mouth. This was my opportunity to get the poison in.  shot in right in the corner of its mouth as it started to pull the cage with me in it. "What's going on down there?" A worried Mac asked. "I'm in its mouth" i practically screamed. I heard a bunch of gasps come from all of them as i'm guessing the boat has now started to move. "That cage wont brake." Said jaxx. "That's the problem" My mom said fear clear in her voice. The shark let go but then quickly snapped me back up in it's jaws causing me to hit against the side of cage breaking my oxygen mask. "we have a bigger problem my oxygen mask is going down quick." I heard a splash then saw Jonas swimming towards me as the others baited the shark away from us. "Jonas go save yourself" I managed to say before everything went black.

A/N:Sorry for no new updates and this one being short. Have been preparing for my RE gcse exam as we have to sit them in year 10 in may x

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