Chapter 15

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Y/N Pov:

I finally made it it the boat that was flipped. Jonas had also made it with a few others. Jonas helps me climb up onto the boat where i also saw my sister. I looked out into the water to see where the beast was that was when i saw Heller and Jaxx out in the water with the monster shark not far from them. The meg was gaining speed while moving towards them i felt the panic in me rise as tears started streaming down my face. I was able to make out that they were talking until Jaxx shouted out "Heller no" Then with that Heller started splashing. I threw myself into Jonas' arms he immediately  wrapped his arms round my waist slowly drawing circles. The next time i peered out towards where Heller once was all i saw was blood in the water and jaxx climbing up the capsized boat being helped by my mom. I looked over to where my granddad was and i saw him looking practically lifeless on his back my heart sunk. Morris was on the phone to rescue boats to come and get us out of this mess. I felt bad for DJ the poor man couldn't swim so this must have been his worst nightmare.

I sat with jonas' arm around me next to my mom and granddad waiting for these boats to arrive. The longer we were waiting the worse my granddad got. I was sobbing in his arms yet my mind still was thinking about me being in his strong protective arms. Finally after like 20 minuets of waiting the rescue boats were here and ready to go i got in one with my mom granddad and Jonas. DJ and the others in the one behind us. The vibrations from the boats engines unfortunately attracted the attention of the Meg. The beast was quick to start following us gaining speed quick. We looked back towards the other boat to see Morris on the phone hopefully just hopefully he was actually going to be useful. 

Minutes later two massive helicopters were flying over us with big guns. They started shooting at the meg thankfully this deterred the massive shark as it started swimming the other way. My granddad started to speak to my mom telling her "i am so proud of you that is why I've always been hard on you because you have so much potential and i knew that" My mom was crying but managed to get some words out but i couldn't hear her because i was crying my heart out. He then turned to me and said "I love you, you are learning everything so quick i couldn't be prouder" With that he closed his eyes and took his final breath. Jonas quickly embraced me and my mom as we continued back to safety.   

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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