Chapter 3- There is something down there[Y/N pov]

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Y/N Pov

We then proceeded to go to the control center as we approach my grandfather says "i hope we are on time." Morris then looks confused and goes "in time for what?" None of us answered we just carried on walking. When we got in there Mac says "you are just in time" "everyone keeps saying that today but I have no clue what am I in time for?" My mom replies with "we believe the bottom of the sea floor isn't actually the bottom we believe its a chemocline layer and we are about to find out if he is correct." "And if he isn't?" Morris asked. "Then you wasted $1.3 billion building this place." My grandfather replied. "He's joking right?" asked a very concerned Morris. 

We then all put our earpieces in and everyone said hi to Morris he then asked "Where did you learn to pilot a sub?" "I spent a few years  with a whale company that will remain unnamed for legal purposes." Lori replied with. "Ask her if she ever blew up a sub with a homemade torpedo." The wall says while laughing. "You did" Morris says and Lori just gives a look at the camera. "That is a great hire" Morris says to My grandfather. "We are approaching the apparent sea floor" Lori says through the earpiece. "Ok be careful we don't know how deep it is on the other side the sea floor could come right up on you" Dr Minway Zhang replies. Lori then goes "We are in" Everyone on the surface started cheering then The Wall deployed the lights and we all saw the amazing undiscovered animals from small little things to decently sized ones. "I'm launching the rover" Lori said. As they continued to go further  Lori asks "are you seeing this?" Mac replied with "yes there are a lot of smiling faces up here" Lori goes "Guys are you seeing this?" as she showed the destroyed rover.

The Wall then goes "I don't think I want to know" "Lori start heading back it might be a landslide" Lori quickly made the turn "Last time I checked landslides don't make a 90 degree turn" Lori practically yelled. Toshi then yelled "It's right on us." With that something hit into the back of the sub and we lost all video communication with them but we still know that they are alive as we hear Lori screaming about how Jonas was right. Then all communication went dead so thank god we still had vitals on them.                                                                                                                  

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