Chapter Twenty - Nine

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I felt an hour go by, as I tried collecting myself off the floor to the window sill, to the stars. They were my comfort, my reminder of a better time. But I just felt empty. The same thoughts had played over and over in my head until they had gone silent. Even the voice seemed to take rest.

A small knock startled me and I jumped to my feet.

"Excuse me, my lady?" A tiny voice came through the door before it opened and someone entered.

She was dressed in subtle lilac colour, her hair was a golden curly and braided back halfway with a green cloth, letting a few curls rest on her rosy cheeks. Her big blue eyes glimmered in the candlelight she had brought with her and I realized I had been sitting in the dark. Her dress was also bedazzled with small silver beads. She was tiny and moved delicately. Her lips were plump and her nose was pointed with a bump on the bridge. She was so beautiful and youthful, although I suspected she was older than me. 

"I'm Selene, your assigned maid." She said with a curious accent and bowed once, very gracefully, before putting the candle on the sill and walking back out the door, reemerging with an armful of gowns in dark colours.

"What's this?" I asked, surprised at her pretence and the many gowns. I ran my hands over my face, maybe to make sure no tears were still stuck there.

"My lady you haven't showered. Do you need help?" She said slowly as if scared of offending me, while she put the gowns one by one, over the back of the chair.

"No, no I,-" I uttered, trying to find a lie to what I had been doing for a whole hour. "Can't find the bathroom."

Her expression relaxed and she grinned, pointing to her right, and showing me a white-painted door.

"Right," I smiled carefully.

"My lady, before you wash, could you pick a dress for the event tonight?"


"Didn't lord Sarvin tell you? The ball of the seven feasts will be held tonight, even the first general will be attending."

I saw her face blushing. She must have been referring to Aleron.

I shook my head without saying anything, my thoughts were running wild in my head. Why would Sarvin bring me to a ball where the acting regent was also going to be? Surely Aleron would have me killed if he knew I could be a threat to his throne.

"Where is Sarvin?"

"My lady please," she ignored my question, gesturing to the bathroom, with eyes that looked very persistent. I had a feeling she wouldn't let me out until I had bathed and changed.

"Alright then," I said heading for the bathroom.

"My lady, a gown."

"Selene was it?" She nodded. "Why don't you pick one for me." I tried smiling but it didn't feel genuine.

I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me. The floor was covered in white marble and in the middle of it was an island surrounded by small pebbles with a bathtub on top.

"Gods." I blessed loudly as I watched the tub full of water. It had been far too long since I had had a good wash. 

I stripped off my clothes, only realizing then how dirty they had been as they lay against the white floor. The white fur by my sleeves was stained black, from my blood. I grabbed my wrist. Running my fingers over my skin I half expected there to be at least a scar but there was nothing there. I lowered myself back to look at my leg, to where the arrow had penetrated my skin. But again nothing. I looked up, finding a rounded mirror hanging over the sink. I almost sprinted to it, lifting my head to inspect my neck. 

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