Chapter Fifty - One

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I returned to the palace finding guards at the gates. Their looks were suspicious until I pulled my hood off and they immediately straightened their posture.

"The general has looked everywhere for you princess." One spoke.

I narrowed my eyes, confident that Aleron hadn't strained himself much to find me. 

"I would just like to return to my chambers." I almost commanded.

"Of course." Another said and extended his arm to permit me to enter, while the other pulled the door open.

I nodded and strolled past them noticing how one seemed to follow.

The guard followed me through the lit hallway with the bare walls, through the ballroom and further. The next hallway was dark and the guard grabbed a torch from the wall lighting the way.

It felt odd having a stranger follow me, sensing his presence not far behind me, hearing his heavy steps. Somehow I knew the escort was to insure he could report back to Aleron that I had returned, maybe he would even lock me in my room.

I stiffened at the sudden shadow in front of me.

"Hello Elora," His deep voice purred through the dark.

My eyes rose from his feet to his chest and then to his blue eyes staring at me so intriguingly. Why was he here?

I heard the guard awkwardly straighten as his armour clanged against itself.

"Lord Aleron, I found her at the gate." He explained quickly and unfeelingly.

I wanted to scoff or look back at him just so I could roll my eyes. I wasn't found at the gate, I came myself.

"I left and came back of my own volition so I hope you won't trouble the guards you assigned to me, my Lord." I dared look into his eyes. They did lose me after all and I would certainly not want them to be punished for it.

"That's quite alright, Joseph," Aleron said with a smile and nodded, ignoring me completely. "You can return to your post."

I raised my brows, impressed or maybe surprised that he knew the guard by name. Not many Lords would bother and by the size of his army, it was quite remarkable.

The guard quickly nodded, letting the torch slide onto a ring on the wall and turned on his heel, before marching off into the dark.

I watched him disappear before my eyes darted back to Aleron. It was just me and him now, alone. I wondered who should speak first. Should I apologize for sneaking off? For putting myself in danger? How would I lie convincingly to a man like him should he ask why?

"I wasn't troubled by the thought that you wouldn't return." He finally spoke to me, with warm eyes. The hue of the flame, kissed his skin and hair, making him look much younger than he was.

"Oh?" I responded in surprise, balling my fists.

He shook his head, "No, you and I have many eventual conversations yet to have had. I don't believe you would forfeit that opportunity, for a chance that you might get to live free."

I tilted my head. Who would stop me? Him? And what did that mean? Might get to live free? Did he know how impossible freedom was in his kingdom? 

Strange man.

"You think I would choose to stay here rather than run for freedom?" Did he truly know I would return?

"I won't say that, I don't know you well enough, yet. I'm saying, just as I hope to get the opportunity to learn about you, I believe you wish the same of me, and the kingdom."

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