Chapter Seventy - One

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"By many God's blessings, you are alright." Aleron's concerned voice rushed toward me.

His fingers suddenly grazed against my cheek.

Xander turned slightly back, evidently pulling me with him and out of Aleron's reach.

I could smell the hundreds of candles around us. The coldness that came from the stone walls I had seen before, chilled my skin.

The chapel indeed had the presence of a higher power, whether it was faith or a touch from the gods was debatable.

"I am so sorry," he continued after the awkward moment had passed.

I raised my head, trying to remember how tall he had been, as to pretend I was looking him in the eyes.

"Your eyes..." He questioned. "Did you get hurt?"

"Yes, but I didn't swallow enough poison for it to kill me." It wasn't a proper excuse, but it was enough. The black rose pollen was certainly deadly but I hadn't taken enough of it, at least that's what everyone believed.

"I had no idea," he was almost stuttering trying to explain, "I was fearful for days thinking you had..." He paused himself. "I'm glad to see you."

I nodded and silence followed.

"She's not strong enough for another stroll, she needs to rest." Xander cut in and I started wondering if Aleron had offered his hand. Gods I felt stupid not being able to tell.

"Is she not strong enough to speak for herself too?" Aleron responded with slight disdain, taking a shot at Xander whose grip on me hadn't weakened.

The tense exchange made me uncomfortable, being stuck between two strong-headed males, neither one willing to back down when I couldn't see a damn thing.

"If you wouldn't mind I would prefer to be seated," I said carefully.

"Anything you wish," Aleron's voice responded gently. I heard him go forward first before Xander reluctantly dragged me with him.

I felt the level of a bench with my knee and sat down, letting my arm slip from Xander's grasp.

"Now if you wouldn't mind, I would like a word with you alone." Aleron dared.

I swallowed, this time it wouldn't be so.

"I'm sorry, but considering what has happened I don't feel very comfortable protective guide." I had no idea what to say, what to call Xanders presence, but I wasn't going to let Aleron dismiss him.

"Very well, how about a compromise then, he doesn't leave the room. He could step away enough for us to have an honest conversation."

"That would be fine," I said and turned my head towards where I knew he was, where I felt him. Xander didn't protest or anything as his footsteps echoed away and a bench creaked further back in the chapel, then I knew he had sat down.

"I heard, from asking, that you can not bear to look at anything or anyone, hence why...the blindfold." He began.

"I see with it what I can withstand, but the image of Gry, and the fear of yet another attack on my life, isn't something I know how to handle," I explained, knowing the rumour was of Mayra's doing.

"I can not imagine the horror you must have felt watching such a gruesome thing transpire. It would weaken anyone so innocent as you."

Yes, the image of Gry had been burned into my mind, as had the death of my father and the murder of Selene. I had seen the execution of a slaved hunter and a captured criminal. I had killed and been close to being killed.

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