Chapter Fifty - Eight

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The lunch ended quickly and I exited the dining room on a full stomach. Watching the floor I tried remembering all Aleron had said to me. He had found me first and spared my father from the court. Why wouldn't he just have killed me so I wouldn't be a threat to his throne? Was he that compassionate? Or was he playing a larger scheme that I hadn't worked out?

"Enjoy your history lesson?" The tone had almost been mocking and stained lightly with jealousy.

My eyes drifted up finding Xander there leaning against the bare wall. His lean-built, beautiful glittering eyes, those lips.....


It had pained me to dismiss him. Actually pained me. God, I started to feel for him. It couldn't happen, it had to end.

Elora? You have to listen to me. Don't shut me out. 

"I'm sorry," it rushed out before I could stop myself.

"Elora we talked about that word," he said low.

"We talked about a lot of things," I replied.

"You and him?" he tried changing the subject again but I wasn't compelled.

"I shouldn't have ordered you like that. '' I said, feeling like an idiot. He made me feel embarrassed.

"You shouldn't apologize." He pushed off and strolled to me.

"Will you for once just accept it?" I almost hissed.

A pause, too long of a pause.

"No," he said slyly, looking down at me before abruptly turning to walk away.

"Xander," I called but he didn't stop. I exhaled, annoyed, before stomping after him.

"I release you."

He halted immediately.

"What?" He turned, and I paused.

"Say it again," he said slowly as if I had just threatened him. 

"I..." I hesitated but he cut in. 

"Careful now. Don't do anything you might regret," he warned.

"I release you," I repeated, holding my breath. I didn't want to, but it had to come to an end.

Dangerous intrigue flashed over him and he slowly glided back to me.


"I don't need you anymore."

"I won't accept that," he answered confidently.

"I'll make you." I dared, having no plans as to how to do that.

"You said you needed me to train you, to fight and kill. Are you saying you want to break that deal?"

I nodded, not trusting myself with words.

"Fine, I'll just revisit my revenge plans concerning your cousin." He grinned daringly.

"You won't," I sneered.

"You can break a deal, I can break one."

"I forbid you to."

"You no longer command me, remember?'' His eyes darkened, but not from malice. He was daring me to call his bluff. But he never bluffed.

"You would threaten me?" I said trying to sound surprised but I wasn't. 

"It would be the mildest of all my threats, but yes." 

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