Chapter Seventy - Three

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"Try blinking again," Mayra suggested as we sat on the bed.

"It won't get better if I blink," I complained but still, I did it.

"Well, it has right? You see better now." She tried.

It had gotten better since I woke up, but it was still blurry. I still couldn't see the details of everything and it was as if it kept adjusting in and out. Sometimes the focus was good, but then it got bad again.

"Everything is still so sensitive and bright." I squinted.

"Well of course it is, you've been blind for three days."

Three days. It had felt like an eternity.

"Put this on, your eyes need cover while they adjust back," Mayra said and handed me the blindfold.

I could finally see it, and its thin fabric. I would no doubt be able to see straight through.

"Do you think it's a coincidence that it happened now?"

"What do you mean?" She questioned with slight nervous laughter.

"I mean, the feast is in a few days and today my sight returns. Isn't that...strange?"

"Are you suggesting something else planned for this?" She said slowly.

It would have been laughable if not for the voice in my head, the strange female voice telling me to rest.

"That day I fainted, something in my head told me to rest up, and then come find her."

"Her?" Mayra asked carefully.

"It was a female voice, sounding just as clear as yours. It hadn't been mine and it had felt as if I was sharing my mind with someone else. She told me about the voices."

"Voices?" Mayra said confused and I feared she would get concerned if I went into further detail. My voices had followed me for a very long time.

"I hear them, or I did, it doesn't matter. What's important is her. She spoke to me."

"Are you sure?"

"I can show you?" I said quickly, remembering what she could do. "I'll let you in."

"I don't know." She said attentively.

"You've done it before." I reminded her.

"Well, you were sleeping, it was easy."

"Mayra, I need to know if I'm crazy. It felt real."

"Alright, alright," she shifted, inhaling and exhaling deeply, a few times before she let two fingers touch my forehead.

"Close your eyes, empty your head and relax. Don't fight it and don't be scared."

I inhaled and did as she said, trying to empty my head.

It only took seconds before I felt her energy lift my mind, taking it in her hands, and looking for her voice.

Her light touch was rooming around in my head, searching.

Then she found it, the place I stored the recollections of the voice.

But her lightness turned heavy and fragments of it started to disappear and crumble.

She groaned and I could tell she was struggling to hold on, to keep her connection strong.

But she pushed through the darkness, and the voice filled my head, occupying all space. The strange unknown voice filled my head again. But just as fast, I felt Mayra's presence slowly suffocate.

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