Chapter Fifty - Two

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I stumbled back, covering my mouth as a gasp escaped me.

"You bring this puny girl to intimidate me?" The bound man spat, and blood ran down his lip.

I felt the cold creep up my spine. I was horrified to hear his voice. It didn't trace a single drop of fright.

"Who are you?" My raspy voice tried.

"Is that really what you want to ask me?" A smirk appeared, a wicked smile running like a scheme.

"Why did you kill her?" I took a dangerous step.

Xander didn't move but his frame tensed up.

"I don't care to know why I get my assignments," he tilted his head, studying me with bloodshot eyes.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Heartbreak, that's what I sounded like.

He laughed, "When the moon darkens and your blood freezes over, death will come for you herself. You will see the creator of all your sorrow. He will end you himself, little lamp."

His dark vengeful eyes didn't break from me. Like a devil they gouged right into me, causing my pain to sprout like wildfire. My chest began to tighten and I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything.

Little lamp.

Colt's words.

Xander's fist slammed across the man's face making his head fall limp to his side. I turned with a hand on my chest. The dagger weighed heavier in my palm. I wanted to use it, it was as if it burned for it. I spun, ready for blood as my anger called for it. His hand wrapped around mine.

I hadn't noticed him getting so close or where his hands held me. It was like I wasn't in control of myself. The devil had taken over, calling for revenge. A life for a life.

Xander's fingers tightened around my wrist, and I dragged my eyes into his.

"You aren't ready for that kind of slaughter," he said low.

That kind?

"I've killed before." Even my voice mimicked the devil. I was as if possessed.

"To save your life. You haven't done it like this and you won't get to." His hand snatched the blade before I could react.

"Isn't that why you brought me here?"

"Is that why you asked me for my help?"

He was matching a question with a question, which did nothing to dull my anger.

"Did you want me to catch him so you could execute him?"

Another stupid question. 

"What? Are you going to tell me it won't make me feel better? That revenge is not the answer."

"No," he said blankly, "If you wanted to cut out his tongue I wouldn't stop you. Revenge does make things better, it just won't make you better."

A small laugh escaped me. "And you care?"

"Maybe, but that is not relevant now. If you want to kill him, here." He lifted the blade to my eyes, "Kill him, see if it lingers anything." His words were a daring whisper, purring in my ears.

I hesitated. I wanted to, gods knew I was a sinner because everything inside me wanted to take that dagger and plunge it into that murderer's dark heart. But I couldn't, even the thought of it. Taking a life, one more life would make me heartless. A selfish murder. He had killed Selene without hesitation. Should I allow him to destroy me as well? For her I wanted him to die. I wanted him to scream for mercy, but I couldn't be the one to deliver that pain to him.

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