Chapter Forty - Four

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Aleron was on his throne atop the dais while some of the council members mingled with other lords and ladies. Guards were posted by every door and window, their black armour reminded me of him.

From the ceiling hung hundreds of crystals by silver strings so thin it looked like the crystals were floating.

Between them were lights also hanging by a thread, reflecting their light in the shape of small circles.

A stone statue of a woman stood dead centre, only wearing a pearly top and bottom, her hair was mighty curly, with some hair strands braided with jewels. By her feet lay a sleeping wolf, and in her outstretched hands hung threads of real pearls, probably offerings from the people tonight.

Aleron's predatory eyes surged the crowd until they peered right through, meeting mine.

He rose immediately, stepping down from his stage, and making his way to me, everyone scattered quickly.

He wore a blue piece with white gold, his crown was tiny and made of silver. Two strands of his golden hair had been pinned back, allowing the rest to flow like waves to his shoulders.

He stopped in front of me, and to my surprise bowed very nobly. Selene and Mayra were by my side.

"The people's princess," Aleron said loudly, making the crowd's chatter die out.

"I am honoured to host for you tonight." For only a second I saw it again, that faint predatory look glazing over his eyes. It vanished just as fast.

"Welcome," he offered me his hand, and I took it without hesitation, remembering what Sarvin had taught me. They didn't need to fear me, just believe I could be controlled until they gave me the seat in power. Play the willing participant.

He took to my side still holding my hand high, parading us through the crowd to the dais. He guided me up, and as we turned he took my other hand, raising it high.

"Bow to your princess, Eleonora Tartal." I swallowed hard, feeling indifferent watching them all bow like servants. Even Mayra led her head fall, and I swore I saw her smirk the whole time.

"Carrying Emry's legacy, any ill feelings in solidifying our power against the south must no doubt have been vanquished. Our authority will remain and new alliances will form. We will be victorious again." His head turned as did I until we were staring at each other, his mouth slightly curling. It almost felt like he was trying to see past the face I had on, to the real truth hiding inside me.

At last, he released my hand, stepping off the stage and into the crowd, leaving me behind. I stepped off as Mayra squeezed her way toward me. I felt many eyes on us.

"What was that about?" I asked completely dazed about the scene.

"It was a warning. Any lord or lady still unwilling to join hands with him will be punished for it."

"Join hands for what?"

"For whatever is coming." She backed away from the crowd and I followed until we were almost hiding behind pillars. "The south is becoming more and more uncontrollable. Fugitives, the lawless, and even the Mile men are all establishing their own cavalry. If they are allowed to rebel again, Aleron could lose this footing inside this palace. He will be persecuted and killed."

"That sounds like war."

The war is coming. My mother's words echoed.

"It might come to that." She warned and I swallowed my breath.

"Anyway, you have done your part for tonight, how about we go fill our appetites." She suggested and I concurred. The whole spectacle had my stomach turning upside down and I doubted I would be able to enjoy the rest of the night.

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