Chapter Sixty - Five

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"I fear that opposition is gathering against me," I said and sat as he had suggested. Mayra lingered back, leaning against the door frame.

"I fear you might be right." Sarvin sighed, letting his hands caress against his chin. He was troubled and not just by what had occurred at noon.

"Aleron wanted me to step down. He said he didn't want me to end up like my father."

"I'm not surprised he said this. Aleron is a man who plays the long game. He will manipulate you, he might already have gotten into your head. You mustn't let him win."

"I don't know if I have the strength, or the belief to think that he would push me out, or even poison me." I truly didn't believe he had been the one. I couldn't explain why but something in his eyes showed me he was just as shocked and baffled as I was.

"He might not have been the one to poison you, but I suspect he has played us all."

I furrowed.

"That night when the assassin came..." He paused, continuing without finishing the sentence. I swallowed.

"It was the perfect ploy to pressure me to let you go. I fell right into his trap."

I caught a breath, "Are you saying, Aleron sent a killer to murder Selene to scare you into sending me away?"

"Yes. He wanted you close and you had already refused. Making sure you wouldn't be safe anywhere else but in his palace, was the perfect plan."

I stuttered my breath. It would be the perfect plan or a deluded way of thinking. Sarvin had his intentions and beliefs about Aleron but it would be the perfect ploy.

"He means to keep you close, as a pawn to use when the opportunity presents itself."

I wondered what Sarvin planned to use me for.

"If you knew this, why did you send me to him?"

"Elora, I know about the blood curse, that your time is limited."

My face dropped as I took in what he was saying.

He knew.

I remembered Mayra behind me. It wasn't surprising she would tell her father, but that nothing was mentioned to me was a little surprising.

She took a page out of my book.

"I suspected Aleron wanted you all to himself. That he meant to use you, not hurt you. It was a risk but my hands were tied. He could have continued to threaten your presence here, by killing more of my people."

His people. See? You are not one of them, you are not loved by them.

I knew it, but still, it hurt. I was his sister's daughter, a stranger nonetheless and a pawn in a bigger scheme played by powerful men.

"And with the curse, it was better for you to live the remaining time you have left in the one place that carries your familial ties."

"Why does he need me? He could just have killed me and then there would be no one to oppose his seat on the throne." I questioned, wondering exactly how I was useful.

"The people will never admit it, but Aleron's popularity is dwindling. If he would've gotten rid of you and taken power the people's minds wouldn't change. Sooner or later there would be war. But with you at his side, as the true inheritor of the seven territories, he could win back their trust and their loyalty. He would be stronger than ever. That is why I don't think he ever intended to harm you."

I nodded, it made sense in a crazy scheming sort of way but it did make sense.

He looked at me, with pitied eyes that were so hunted, "Do you know how long you have left?"

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