Chapter Seventy - Six

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Xander rolled his eyes and backed up slightly, not letting go of my wrist.

"Are we ready?" He asked, ignoring her comment.

"Yes," Mayra replied quickly, placing whatever she had brought onto the bed. She began fidgeting with the fabric.

"I've planted a suggestion in a guard's mind. Once he hears of your abduction he will convey a false memory to the counsel." She inhaled deeply before turning toward us. "That he saw Xander cut your throat and take your body."

I narrowed my eyes, cautiously. "How will they believe it?"

"Aleron or the council won't stop hunting you if they know you've been kidnapped, alive, so I hope you aren't scared of needles." She lifted her hands, showing me the smallest silver needle and a long rubber tube connected to a blood bag, sewn from what could only be leather. 

I snorted lightly, "I've been shot with an arrow, so I think I'm good." I smiled at her.

"I will only need a little." She assured me before I rose from the sill, placing myself in a chair.

Xander's hand was still around mine as he flipped my arm. Mayra gave him the needle and he positioned himself next to me.

He gave me no warning before he shoved it into my arm, making me flinch a little from the sharp jap.

Mayra held the bag, feeling its weight.

Xander only stared at the tube, we both did. The tube filled with my blood, dark as night.

It was curious, how mine now looked like his. How the voice had come just after it all. Was I a Mile man? I couldn't be. There was a reason why there were no Mile women. They all died, that was a known fact. Our bodies just weren't strong enough for the lake's power.

"That's enough," Xander said and slid the needle from my arm, pressing his thumb over it before it could start to bleed.

Mayra held the bag up to try and assume how much it would be. My bloody murder scene, how grim.

Hopefully, they would see it and think Xander was evil enough to have slain me. With the show he had put on for them, it wouldn't be hard to believe.

"Right, now for the real reason I've come," Mayra said with a smile as she put down the blood bag and walked to the bed.

I rose to go to her, watching her unfold the fabric wrappings. I couldn't understand what it was at first but once I did, I was almost lost for words.

"How did you get such a thing? How do you even make it?" I asked, gawking.

It was a corset, made of glass, no, black porcelain. The bodice and waist linings were of gold and on the bottom of it were golden strings. The corset was in multiple pieces but put together with fabric, so it could be bent and worn without a struggle.

"How they made it, I have no clue. But I saved it for a day like this."

"You should wear it," I said gaping at it, letting my fingers trail over it, feeling its smooth exterior.

"It won't go with what I'll wear. But it will go with yours." She stuck a finger up, then walked to the closet, pulling out a black gown.

"I thought since you wanna run away during the night, this is perfect."

"Running in this corset will be impossible." I laughed nervously, knowing that might become a reality.

My eyes dragged from it to the closet where Mayra pulled out a hanger with a long black gown on it.

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