Oni's Abode

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    "Aaargh! C'mon, work!" exclaimed Kai frustratedly as he stomped out of the cave for the third time. As soon as he stepped beyond the threshold, the Fire reignited in his palms. He stepped back and it immediately flickered out. "What's going on?!"

    There had been a minor setback when dramatically entering the mountain.

    Zane scanned the thick walls, worriedly relaying, "It appears there are thick deposits of Vengestone imbedded into the walls."

    The other Ninja frowned and looked over at Ultra Dragon who had a perplexed expression written on his faces at this news. This had been home, the throne of his Queen. There hadn't been Vengestone. Why was it as silent as death now and why did it reek so bad? Where had everyone gone? He gave a mournful chirp.

    Kai comfortingly rubbed the Dragon's side with sadness shining in his eyes. "I—I think you may have been away longer than you think."

    "And this is what I get for trusting a captured Dragon," mumbled Faith to herself.

    Ultra seemed to have heard, giving a short warning growl. He didn't exactly love the Hunter-Oni's presence either.

    Jay noticed a white glint in the shadows. He ventured farther into the cave. "Hey, what's tha—AAAAGH!"

    Much to his and everyone else's chagrin, his cry echoed loudly. He clamped one hand over his mouth as he shakily pointed and stared wide-eyed at a long row of Dragon skulls mounted on pikes.

    Faith cursed under her breath but her voice echoed in the silence. Cole immediately covered Wu's ears. Only her pride was keeping her in place. She refused to turn tail and exit the cave like a coward. Ha, so much for faith. Hopefully now, she can convince these foolish, altruistic heroes to just abandon this Realm.

    "We shouldn't be here," she said in a low voice, clipping her mask on and pulling out her Vengestone Rifle.

    "Yeah, we kinda figured that out," snarked Kai.

    She motioned them out and as soon as they exited, she revealed, "This is Oni land. They have laid claim to it." Her voice took on a hollow, hardened tone. "There is nothing more to be done. Return to your Realm."

    "But shouldn't we go in? Maybe we can find a clue that will lead us to the Dragon Armor, even if the Dragons aren't here anymore," suggested Wu, peering curiously into the mountain.

    "Don't be stupid. The Oni will tear you to pieces," scoffed Faith.

    "That we will," rasped a voice from the darkness.

    Two shadows slinked forward into moonlight, giving the Ninja and Wu their first view of an Oni in their true form. They were towering figures with tall, twisted horns and glistening tusks. It wasn't a long look as Ultra Dragon immediately set upon the pair, all four heads spitting their Elements and snapping viciously at their mortal enemies.

    The Ninja, though they wanted to help their Dragon, could not assist as the brawl was far too fierce and fast-paced for them to enter into the fray. 

    Faith was quick to put an arrow through the heart of the Oni that tried to slip away from the fight. A few seconds later, Ultra finished off the other. 

    Cole turned Wu's head away from the gory sight while the others were stunned by the ferocity of the tussle.

    Taking in an even breath, Faith asked, "Now do you wish to leave?"

    "Absolutely!" replied Jay anxiously, readying to summon his Elemental Dragon when Zane blocked him.

    "Wait, there is something on the horizon," announced the Ice Elemental, pointing to an approaching glow down on the desert.

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