The Dragon Trial

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    Early the next morning, the Ninja's captors continued their trek across the barren desert until they eventually reached their enormous camp. Kai, Jay, and Zane were roughly bound with vengestone chains and dragged into some sort of terrifying hut located in the middle of the camp.

    Kai made a big fuss about being yanked around on a chain like a dog and furiously lashed out against those who had taken them captive. For his efforts, all he earned was a harsh slap in the face. Zane, though typically calm, clenched his fists and had to control the urge to fight the man who had slapped Kai, but he knew that it would be prudent to wait and see what happened next before making a move. Jay was still out of it and to put it bluntly, completely useless. He was just skipping aimlessly along, happily lost in his own little world. 

    All of them were harshly shoved down on the floor in front of a fearsome-looking throne that appeared to be made out of the bones of some poor dragon. On the throne, sat an intimidating man who sported a top hat along with an arm and a leg composed of metal. Unlike the others of this strange tribe who almost all bore red eyes, the chief bore one glowing, green eye and one red eye which added to his sinister appearance. Slowly and menacingly, the leader stepped down from his throne, his metal limbs clinking as he began to circle the chained Ninja. 

    "They don't look as I imagined. Heavy Metal, where did you find them?" questioned the chief as he placed his staff under Zane's chin and forced him to meet his eyes. 

    Zane felt very uneasy under the scrutiny of the chief. It seemed as though he were nothing but a mere specimen being prepared for dissection.

    "We found these Oni camping out to the south of your territory, Iron Baron," informed Heavy Metal in an odd, almost robotic sounding voice. 

    "But there still could be more of their kind out there," pointed out Daddy-No-Legs. He sent the Ninja a nasty glare to which Kai had no trouble returning one of his own.

    Iron Baron stared down at the Ninja, his staff still resting uncomfortably beneath Zane's chin. "Are there more of you?"

    Before Jay or Kai could mention Cole and Wu, Zane quickly cut in and lied, "No, we are alone."

    "Then tell us, who do these diapers belong to?" questioned Jet Jack as she held out one of Wu's diapers from when he was an infant.

    "Oh, those are Jay's," responded Kai instantly. "Tell 'em, Jay."

    "I have a weak bladder," admitted Jay nonchalantly, a goofy grin plastered on his face.

    The room erupted with laughter, but none laughed louder or more creepily than Iron Baron. 

    Zane was thankful for Kai's quick, humorous wit and took advantage of the raucous laughter to firmly whisper to his brothers. "Do not reveal anything."

    "See how they lie? See their treachery? They cannot help it. It is in their nature," remarked the Baron, turning from the Ninja to address his hunters.

    "Huh, funny. I though trees and cute fluffy bunnies were in nature," quipped Jay.

    His comment earned him a sharp kick from Heavy Metal. "Did Iron Baron say you could speak?!"

    Iron Baron turned back to the Ninja and growled, "But there is one whom you cannot deceive."

    "Um, okay. Let's not do anything rash here," urged Kai nervously when he saw the bloodthirstiness in the Hunters' eyes.

    "Throw the Oni into the Pit!" commanded Iron Baron.

    The Ninja stumbled as they were dragged to their feet and led out of the hut.

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