True Colors

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    Jet Jack was the first to rush the enemy, diving straight for Heavy Metal while the others worked to dispatch the Elementals and chain up Terror.

    "Traitor!" she spat as she body slammed the Oni.

    When Heavy Metal immediately recovered and wheeled around to face her opponent, Jet Jack was caught off guard to find herself staring into the face of another woman. She spluttered, "Heavy Metal, you're... like me?"

    "Not like you. Better!" snarled Heavy Metal, delivering a fierce roundhouse kick to Jet Jack's midsection.

    Before the winged Hunter could leap forward to fight, she found herself encased in a thick block of ice from the waist down. Immobile, all she could do was begin to frustratedly chip away at it with her blades while watching the skirmish unfold around her.

    She watched as Heavy Metal rushed over to aid the dark-haired foreigner in defending the youngest of the bunch from Daddy-No-Legs and Muzzle. The Oni pushed the two away, shouting something at them. Jet Jack couldn't quite make out her words over the war cries of the rest of her Tribe, but the foreigners seemed resistant at first.

    With a harsh shove, Heavy Metal pushed back the Red one who appeared to be putting up quite a fuss. He stumbled backwards, narrowly avoiding getting his head lobbed off by Oases. Finally, they seemed to relent, and Jet Jack was suddenly grateful for her visor which protected her eyes from the blazing flash of color that suddenly emanated from the Elementals. 

    There was a momentary pause in the Hunters' advances as they stared slack-jawed at the glowing dragon apparitions. Sorcery! As their quarry took to the skies, a few Hunters managed to get a hold of themselves enough to shoot. The Elementals defended themselves against the attacks while at the same time, trying to free and defend their four-headed Dragon.

    By some stroke of fortune, a stray stone from the glowing Earth Dragon came hurtling towards the ice that encased Jet Jack and shattered it. With chattering teeth, she ignited her jet pack and took to the air. She swooped low to grab a fallen Vengestone Rifle before pursuing the Elementals.

    The Lightning Elemental only had time to let out a short cry of warning before the winged woman took aim and fired. The projectile met its target, its chains ensnaring the Oni who had clambered onto the Ice Dragon's back. As Jet Jack yanked Heavy Metal off, she heard the woman yell, "Baron doesn't know where the Armor is. But you do! Go!"

    The foreigners seemed hesitate, desperately vacillating between fleeing or helping. More and more of the Hunters' shots were coming dangerously close to seizing them.

    The young, white-haired boy cried back stubbornly, "I won't leave you! I have to have Faith! I need you!"

    "You need the Dragon Armor!" grunted Heavy Metal. 

    She contorted her body and twisted around, grasping at the Dragonbone Blade. With a singular motion, she sliced through the chains; and as she plummeted to the ground, she threw the sword up to the Elementals. The Ice one's attuned reflexes allowed for him to barely make a fumbling catch for the blade. 

    With no other option, the Elementals fled. A small detachment of Hunter's followed for a short while, but it was clear they wouldn't be able to catch up to the fast-flying Dragons the Elementals had magically summoned. 

    Iron Baron called them all back over the radio with an irate growl in his voice, "Return! Let the Elementals die in the desert. We have the Oni traitor."

    Heavy Metal was winded from the drop. Fortunately though, no bones appeared to be broken. She heard the familiar sound of a Vengestone Rifle being cocked.

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