Home of Hunters

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 This is just a bit of world building to help understand what life is like in the First Realm for the Hunters.

    Cole and Wu cringed as they watched the chained forms of their friends being dragged out of the arena. That knockout had looked really painful.

    "Alright, Hunters, you heard Iron Baron. Gather your supplies!" ordered Heavy Metal.

    Immediately, the stands emptied. Each Hunter scurrying off excitedly to prepare for the hunt.

    "But it's not dusk yet. At this time of day, we'll only catch common FireBreath dragons, and we've already got plenty of those at the Smelter," complained a Hunter standing close to Cole and Wu. 

    "So? We can always use more dragons in the Pit, especially after today's fights. Also, the apprentices could use the extra practice before the real challenges show up tonight with the great bait we've got now," argued his friend. 

    "Just shut up and do what Iron Baron wants," snapped an older Hunter, littered with scars. He went to gather his hunting supplies with a crabby expression stuck on his face. 

    The pair just rolled their eyes at the grumpy Hunter. It wasn't anything new. As they went off to do their respective jobs and gather supplies, they both noticed Cole and Wu, looking quite lost and unsure of what to do. "Hey, you two. What're standing around for? Come on, help us prepare the Dieselnaut." 

    "Uh, okay, sure," agreed Cole uncertainly. He looked at Wu and shrugged. It was better than awkwardly doing nothing. 

    As they caught up to the other two, one of them said, "You're welcome. We just spared you Iron Baron's wrath." 

    "Thanks?" Cole wasn't really sure about these guys. 

    Little Wu took the lead in the conversation. "Hello. This is... my dad, Rocky Dangerbuff, and I'm Dangerbuff, Jr. Who are you?"

    "Huh, you don't look related, but anyways, I'm Bludgeon and this is my very practical and boring brother—"

    "Wait, don't say it! Let me!" Bludgeon's brother struck a pose and dramatically announced, "I am Tamer."

    Bludgeon shook his head and facepalmed. "See, told you. Even his new Hunter name is boring."

    "No it's not!" whined Tamer while bending down to collect a wide assortment of weapons and chains. He threw a spiked club at Bludgeon which he caught with ease. He also handed some of the crudely made weapons over to Cole and Wu.

    "Yeah it is. It literally rhymes with lamer," jeered Bludgeon. He turned to little Wu. "I hope the Hunter name you earn will be ten times better."

    Tamer heard and sent him a hard glare which started a staring contest. It was soon interrupted when Iron Baron came stomping through the bustling throng, angrily shouting orders at each Hunter he passed. When he came across the group of four doing nothing, he looked furious. "WHAT'RE YOU DOING YOU IDIOTS?! GET MY DIESELNAUT READY! NOW!"

    All of them sprinted over to the hulking monster of a machine. Surprisingly, Bludgeon and Tamer seemed unfazed by their leader's rage, simply chuckling quietly and shaking their heads as they got to work setting up the Dieselnaut. 

    "So I take it this is your first hunt as an apprentice. Don't worry. Iron Baron always gets like this before a big hunt, especially this one," reassured Tamer when he caught sight of Wu's frightened face. "You're lucky. It looks like Iron Baron wants to bring almost the entire Tribe. There'll be plenty of other apprentices to help you out if you need it."

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