Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

"Can we order pizza or something?" Calum asked. He was lying on the floor, with his face and stomach to the ceiling. It was around 7:28, and they were about half-way through the movie.

"What time is it? 7:30, ok sure." Michael replied, tossing Calum his phone since Calum somehow managed to break his. It hit Calum right in the chest, making him flinch.

"Wait.... I have to order? I hate ordering!" Calum complained.

"You suggested it... so yes," Luke spoke up. His side was still in immense pain, probably because it was stitched with yarn.

Shifting uncomfortably, Luke pulled his knees up to his chest and focused on the movie in an attempt to ignore the pain in his side.

"Yeah, can I get 6 large pepperoni pizzas?" Calum asked the worker over the phone, before walking into the kitchen.

"What the fuck Calum. We don't want 6 pizzas... we want one," Ashton yelled.

"Oh... sorry... we just need one pepperoni pizza I guess. Thanks," Calum told the man on the other line.

"Is your side bothering you?" Michael asked, his voice laced with concern as he watched Luke curl up at the opposite end of the couch.

"No..." Luke spoke sarcastically, "Yes it hurts! Somebody, not to call out anyone or anything, refuses to buy iBuprofen."

"I don't want to buy it though," Michael replied.

"Why not? You're like rich or something, aren't you?"


"If you two are done, Calum and I need to go pick up the pizza." Ashton interrupted.

"I thought we were getting it delivered?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, well Calum forgot to ask," Ashton answered, looking over at Calum who was currently creating a playlist on Spotify for the ten-minute drive.

"Alright, we'll see you guys in a few," Michael stated as he watched Calum and Ashton walk out the front door.

"I can't wait to blast 'English Love Affair'!" Calum squealed.

"You're not getting Aux tonight. I don't trust you." Ashton said as he started the car, "You'll play 'Voodoo Doll' or something."

"I hate you," Calum replied, pouting as he put his seatbelt on. "Put your seatbelt on Ashton."

"No. I don't want to," Ashton sassily replied, "I don't have to do it just because you said so."

"Fuck you! I'm just trying to keep you safe!"

"Well don't then," Ashton coldly stated.

"If you die, it's not my fault. Just know that I hate you." Calum ranted.

"Whatever Calum. If we're being honest, I fucking hate you too." Ashton replied, "The only reason I'm still friends with you is because of the whole 'serial killers' thing."

"You're an asshole, you know that?" Calum stated.

"Would you shut the fuck up?"

"No, I'm done with your bullshit. Actually, I'm fucking done with you!" Calum yelled.

Slamming on the brakes, Ashton stopped the car.

"Get out." Ashton quietly said.

Calum hesitated, as silence fell upon the two.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Car," Ashton spat, staring straight ahead.

Without saying a word, Calum got out of the car and slammed the door behind him. He watched Ashton drive off, leaving him alone... in the dark, in the middle of nowhere.

Calum's phone was still broken, meaning he couldn't contact Luke or Michael and he had no idea where he was to walk home. He shivered as a breeze went through the trees.

"Fuck Ashton. Who needs him." Calum mumbled to himself as he started walking in what he thought was the direction of Michael's house.

Meanwhile back at Michael's house...

"You know what Luke, fuck you too!" Michael yelled.

"Why are you so pissed? All I said was you waste all your money on stupid shit!" Luke yelled back.

"Whatever Luke! Get the fuck out of my house!"

"Gladly, I'd love to head to the police station and report all the shit you, Ashton, and Calum have done to me!"

"Actually, forget I said that," Michael stated once he realized his mistake.

"No! You know what, I am leaving!" Luke yelled as he tried to grab Michael's car keys off the counter.

Michael however, grabbed Luke's wrist before he could get the car keys. Tightening his grip ever so slightly, Michael looked Luke in the eyes before stating, "I said you're not fucking leaving."

Fear raced through Luke's veins. He'd never seen Michael like this before. "Michael let go! You're hurting me!"

"No," Michael replied as he tightened his grip.

Luke desperately tried to pull his arm away from Michael's grip but failed miserably.

"Alright breadstick, we're going downstairs," Michael claimed.

"NO!" Luke begged as memories of the previous night filled his mind.

Michael dragged Luke down the creaky wooden stairs. The only light came from the top of the stairs. Michael turned the lights on, revealing a bunch of furniture under tarps and a washer and dryer in the corners. In the corners, spiderwebs were everywhere, adding to the creepiness of the basement.

"Your basement is scary!" Luke admitted, looking around as Michael dragged him along.

"It's not any scarier than an average basement," Michael replied.

"Um..... yeah, it is," Luke stated as he tried to lift one of the tarps, "What's under here anyway?"

"Don't touch that!" Michael snapped as he slapped Luke's hand away.

"Ok then...."

Calum aimlessly walked down the sidewalk, observing the cars go by. Ashton was an asshole for what he did, but Calum slowly began to realize this may have been his fault. Ashton did save him from his kidnappers and he did buy Calum coffee. Also, Ashton was the only one that would up with him sometimes.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Calum finally saw street lights with pigeons.

"Pigeons!" Calum excitedly screamed as he ran up to them. The pigeons, who were afraid, flew off before Calum could ask them for directions(ers). He had no idea what time it was, and he had no idea how to get home. He was truly lost. 

Freedom Was Never An Option (5sos: Muke and Cashton)Where stories live. Discover now