Chapter 58

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Hi. It's L and we're back! A and I decided that we're only going to post a chapter at a time.... so I hope that's ok. Yeah... here's another chapter :))))))) 

                                                                                     -Your new besties, A and L :)))

Chapter 58:

The first thing Luke noticed when he was brought back to reality (lOsT in ReaLiTy: go stream it!) was the overwhelming scent of disinfectant that lingered in the air. Slowly, he opened his eyes, closing them when he realized how much his head ached from the fluorescent lights. After pausing for a few seconds, Luke opened his eyes once again, this time taking in his surroundings. He'd guessed previously that he was most likely in the hospital due to the strong disinfectant smell. Memories from the last few hours flooded back into his brain. Ashton had locked him in a storage garage. How'd he get out again?

"Why don't you just kill me now and get it over with? Does Michael really need to see that?" Luke asked Ashton, tears welling up in his eyes.

That's right. Ashton was going to kill him in front of Michael. Luke tried to remember what else had happened.

"Look at yourself, Ashton! Are you really gonna kill your bandmate, your brother, your family? What is wrong with you!?" Michael screamed, stepping closer to Ashton.

"Don't take a step closer or blondie gets it! I have no remorse for anything I do. Do you really think I care about any of you?" Ashton honestly spoke, making direct eye contact with Michael.

Michael had tried to stop Ashton by making him feel guilty, but it hadn't seemed to work.

"Ok! Ok!" Michael replied, stepping back. "Can we make a deal, please? You let Luke go and none of us will ever contact you again! You can go off and do your serial killer things and you'll never have to see us again!"

"Hmmm? How about no." Ashton replied with a sadistic laugh before sliding the blade across Luke's neck.

Luke flinched as he remembered the way the cold, metal blade of the knife felt against his neck. He inhaled sharply as he relived the memories from the past few hours.

Michael. Luke suddenly thought. Instinctively, he looked to the chair next to his bed to find it was empty. Luke's fight-or-flight senses kicked in as he realized Ashton could have done something to Michael. He could've killed Michael and Luke wouldn't have known it. Luke looked for his phone but remembered after a few minutes he'd left it at his house when Ashton kidnapped him. Luke panicked knowing he had no way to contact Michael to see if he is ok. He was stuck, alone, in a hospital in God-knows-where, with no way of contacting anyone. Great.

Sighing, Luke leaned back against the bed, closing his eyes to think for a moment. When he opened his eyes again, Luke noticed how dark it was outside. How long had he been here for? Screw it. He thought before attempting to get up, only for his knees to give out beneath him.

"F-fuck..." Luke mumbled.

"Luke? What the hell are you doing?" Michael asked as he walked back into the room, Calum trailing behind him while holding a plant.

"M-Michael? Where's Ashton?!" Didhetrytokillyouguysordidhegetarrestedorsomthing?!" Luke's frantic voice asked.

"Whoa whoa slow down Luke," Michael replied as he helped Luke back onto the bed.

"Where's Ashton?! Does he know I'm here?!"

"Calm down Luke, Ashton's not here and as long as I'm around I won't let him near you," Michael reassured.

"I-I thought Ashton got you guys... And-and that he was coming back for me next..." Luke confessed, slightly shaking as he spoke.

"Ashy wouldn't do that," Calum defended, as he pets one of the leaves of the plant he was holding.

"Calum I know you love Ashton, but things are getting out of hand. He literally tried to slit Luke's throat and almost succeeded."

"W-what if Ashton... comes back?" Luke asked.

"If he does, I'm gonna kick his ass. I already told him he wasn't allowed to see you. Knowing him, he's probably already killed someone else by now."

"Ashy's not a bad person," Calum mumbled under his breath. "He just has his days."

"How long till I can get out of here?"

"I don't know. I'd say maybe tomorrow or something." Michael replied.

"Ooh, Ashy's calling me," Calum squealed as he answered the phone. "Hi Ashy!"

"Calum where are you?" Ashton asked.

"I'm with Michael and Luke! Luke just woke up!"

"That's really good!" Ashton replied, enthusiasm lacing his voice. He really was happy that Luke was ok.

"Aren't you going to come?"

"No..... Luke and Michael won't want to see me.... They're right anyway. I don't deserve to see him..... I'm a bad person," Ashton answered, trailing off at the end.

"No....." Calum tried to reason with him, "You've done a lot of good things, Ash. The fans love you. They look up to you!"

"If they knew the real me, they wouldn't.... Or at least they shouldn't," Ashton sighed as he watched the cars go by as he continued walking, "I gotta go."

Calum didn't even get to say goodbye before Ashton hung up.

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