Part 10

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(Y/N)'s POV
Word had spread around quickly, was it that weird for Slender to have let me live
"...Girl..." Jenna whispered "...have you heard what people are saying about you"
"Classic..." I rolled my eyes "...what have they been saying"
She looked around "that you bewitched Slender, so he wouldn't kill you, that's only one of the rumours I've heard"
Jenna looked angry
I rolled my eyes once more "'s fine"
"Girl!" She shouted "it's not fine, people are saying some really hurtful things, and I can't bear to hear it"
She looked genuinely hurt. Well that's Jen for you, always having my back till the end
"Seriously Jen don't bother, we both know it's not true"
A familiar voice. Jeff
"It's really not true?" He smirked
"Of course, I'm human after all" I said to him
"Jeff, just shut up, (Y/N) is human" Jenna said, giving him a nasty glare "I better get back to work it's almost lunch time"
"Okay see you later" I smiled at her
"See ya girl" she smiled back
I picked up my tools and decided to start my own work
"You seem surprisingly calm" Jeff smiled "all these rumours, and you don't care"
"...of course I care" I sighed "I just don't want Jen to worry, especially considering the situation we're in"
" and Jen are lucky" Jeff sighed
I looked at him and for once he looked sincere
"...I hope the rumours clear up for ya..." he smiled "...see you around, maid girl"
"See ya" I smiled back "...that's a first"
"...Actually" Jeff said
"Yeah?" I asked
"How about...I walk you to Bosses office"

Slender's POV
I'm not going to lie, I was a bit anxious
I let that mortal live, I couldn't understand why, and that's what frightened me
I tapped my fingers on my desk, and glanced around the room, it was really clean
My eyes landed on the bookshelf, I couldn't help but chuckle
There was a slight knock on the door I figured it was the mortal
"Come in" I said
To my surprise it was both her and Jeff
"Hey Boss" Jeff smiled
"I didn't think I would see you here Jeff, what do you need?" I asked
"I'll just get to work" the mortal sighed out
"You don't need to say it, just do the work mortal" I groaned out
"Could we have a talk Boss" Jeff asked "in private"
"Sure. Mortal get out." I said to her
She took her belongings and stamped on the floor as she headed to the door, slamming it behind her as she went out
"It's about maid girl" Jeff sighed
"Did she do something wrong!" I shouted
"No, no she didn't" he sighed "there are really really horrible rumours that are about her, there spreading fast"
"There probably true..." I mumbled
"These rumours are that she bewitched you into not killing her"
For a second, only a second my heart had stopped
I felt...upset
"That's her problem" I said
"But...Boss, you know the truth, you can end the rumours" Jeff said
"Just drop it Jeff, it's none of my business"
"Boss! How is that fair? Please, if you only heard the things they've been saying about her. (Y/N)'s a really kind girl, she doesn't deserve this"
"Why do you care so much!" I boomed "she's just a mortal, a thing that's easy to use and easy to throw away"
"How can you not care, why does she have to suffer alone. You know how bad our world is, soon people will hunt her down and sell her for high prices because they believe she was able to bewitch you"
"It's none of my business..." I said, my voice low
Jeff slammed his fist on the wall, the sound echoed
He opened the door and slammed it shut

(Y/N)'s POV
"I'll protect you" Jeff said to me
A furious expression on his face
He's eyes were filled with sympathy
"So don't worry, because I'll have your back"
He then stomped of with his hands in both pockets
"Thanks...I guess" I sighed out feeling sorry for him
"Mortal!" Slender boomed
I once again I opened the door
He looked right at me, his fingers tapping on the desk
"" he coughed out " everything okay..."
I smiled faintly "what, did you hear about the rumours and felt a wave of sympathy for me"
"no" he quickly said "I just want to make sure you can take responsibility, and handle the pressure that comes with this world"
I sighed
"If you can't handle it...let me know"
"Are you deaf mortal. I'm offering my help!" He shouted
I was shocked, I mean this is Slender
"Y-you. Your really offering to help me!?" I asked
He got up from his chair, and started to walk towards me
My back against the wall as he leaned in close
"Yes, I am" he said
I felt my heart beat quicken
What's wrong with me?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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