Part 8

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(Y/N)'s POV
My face was so hot that you could, if you looked closely, see little puffs of smoke coming out of my head
"Stupid idiot, what's with your face?" slender boomed
"I-I, nothing"
I swear I saw his face turn a light shade of pi-no never mind my eyes could be deceiving me
"Ugh" he groaned out
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing" he boomed "get back to work"

Slender's POV
I felt like I was dying...but in a good way
What was this feeling
"Are you sure you're okay?" (Y/N) asked me
"I'm fine, so just do your job" I said, flopping back into my seat, and continuing with my paperwork
I heard her mumble something, but after that she just got on with her work
But...this feeling

(Y/N)'s POV
I swear he's such a jerk
Carefully, I finished up the final touches, when a thought came into my mind
So I asked, "Will I have to be cleaning your clothes too?"
"I believe you will, since you're a cleaner, unless you're some sort, clothes sniffing perverted weirdo" he looked at me
"N-no! I'm not!" I shouted, feeling his stare pierce me even though he didn't have eyes
"Sure" he said staring at me for a little while longer, then going back to his paper work
"Well I'll get right to that" I said packing my things
"Right now!" He shouted "I mean, don't you think you've done enough, if you'd like you can rest"
"No it's better if I do it now" I explained "that way I can hurry up wash and dry the clothes, seeing as it is a sunny day"
He looked at me, and since he has no face, it's difficult to understand what he's thinking
"Whatever mortal"
I sighed, opening the door and closing it softly behind

Slender's POV
Is she going to work herself to death
There's so many people living here
She expects to be able to clean all of their clothes
Whatever I don't care
Stupid mortal

(Y/N)'s POV
I felt a hard tap on my shoulder
"Give me the basket"
"Do you know how many people live here, you really think you can do this by yourself"
"Just shut up, I don't even want to hear you or your answer" he boomed "I'll do one side you do the other, go get another basket"
"Should I repeat myself"
"Well no but, I don't know where to get another basket, I just carried that one with me"
"Follow me" he mumbled
So I did
We walked through these creaky halls, spider webs dangling down, and so much dust that you could cut it with a knife
I guess I have a lot of work cut out for me
"We're here, hurry and get a basket, I have a lot of paperwork to do" he said
I rolled my eyes and mumbled "...why did you offer your help then..."
"What was that cleaner"
"Nothing, it was nothing" I said

We each did a side
"I guess slender was right, I've only done a few doors, and there's so much more left" I sighed
"Hey maid girl" I turned to see Jeff smirking at me "I knew you were a pervert, decided to take our clothes and sniff them, right?"
"Jeff be nice"
I turned my attention to the girl next to Jeff
Her dark black her was in twin-tails, with bangs covering her eyes
She wore a ripped and worn out old school uniform
Bruises were all over her body, and a closed gash near her inner thigh
"Lulu calm down, (Y/N) knows I'm kidding" Jeff said
"Sure, anyway, it's really nice to meet you
(Y/N), I'm Lulu" she said
"Ah. Nice to meet you as well" I said smiling
"But, (Y/N), didn't you clean boss's office, you don't have to do this you know" Jeff tilted his head in confusion
"Hey, cleaner, I finished my side..." Slender fell silent "you've been chatting, while I've done half of your job"
"Boss, actually-"
"Disgusting mortals, always taking advantage of others" he said, cutting of Jeff "I should have just done the job myself"
"You know what!" I shouted "go ahead, I didn't even ask you for your help, if your so much better than me do it all!"
I slammed my basket to the ground, gosh he's such a jerk
"Such an asshole, always insulting me!"
The hallway was silent
Slender picked up my basket, putting it underneath his, he mumbled something to Jeff, and walked away in silence
"That was some show you put on (Y/N)" Jeff giggled "boss said he wants you in his office in about 3hrs exactly"
I felt my blood run cold
"It's weird though" Lulu said "normally, if anyone talked to the boss like that, he'd beat them to death"
"That's exactly what I was thinking" Jeff said
"Maybe he's planning on killing her in 3hrs" Jeff smirked "well it was great knowing you maid girl"
"Jeff!!! Don't say that!" Lulu shouted
A faint ringing sound was surrounding me
What was I thinking
I'm a human
Slender...he's on a whole other level
I felt my body shake
"I-I-I should go find Jenna" I said "and write my will"
I walked of, quietly shouting out Jenna's name
I'm certain of it, this is the day I'm going to die
I'm certain of it

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