Part 3

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Me and Jenna were following LJ and Jeff up to our room since we were going to be staying here for awhile
I was walking with LJ, while Jenna was with Jeff
"So, LJ, you umm have a partner, you know umm" I said, not sure on how to say it
"Just cause I'm a killer doesn't mean I don't, date" he said back
"Yeah yeah, of course, don't think I'm hitting on you or anything, c-cause I'm-" I said going bright red
"Oh I didn't - no I umm" he said also going a shade of red
"What I was saying is umm, my friend Jenna would you, umm, you know ever..." I said waiting for a response
"Is she asking or..." he said with a curious expression
"Oh no I just want to know" I said facing him with a smile
"Well she sure is attractive, but she seems like the 'fuck-em-And-leave-em' type of girl" he said
"Nah, Jenna actually has really poor taste in men, she's looking for a strong relationship that will actually last really long, last time, she had a boyfriend named Ben he was so controlling and manipulative it was terrible"
"Hahaha" I looked back to see Jeff laughing on the floor with tears running down his eyes
"Jenna, what did you do?!" I said looking at her, arms crossed
"Just told him the time when you wet you pants" she said smirking at me
"LJ pass me a knife!!!" I screamed "Jen you know that story put me in therapy"
"Oh wow, haha, I don't think I've laughed this hard in ages" Jeff said getting up
"Don't laugh it's not funny!!!" I screamed
That day was the worst and I had to go to therapy for, a day, I know but still it was a traumatic experience

~the traumatic experience~
I was 23 years old, and drank way to much orange juice that day
So I was walking with Jenna and we were going to this yoga camp I thought it would be a relaxing experience for us
When we arrived we saw about 10 or so other women, packed in this tight room
And as we were doing the splits it happened
My fart was so bad, so smelly that a women actually threw up on her yoga mat
And that was only the beginning
Suddenly I felt it
I needed to pee
But we were doing the splits
I felt it go down my leg and drop on my mat and it kept going
A huge puddle was formed on my mat and pee was sliding onto other people's
I could hear Jenna try so hard to contain her laughter
The the fart came again but ten times worse
I could hear people throwing up from every direction
To cut it short, I was banned from that yoga centre

~back to the present~
"So girls this is your room" LJ said smiling
"So what do we do?" I said to LJ
"What do you mean?" He said back
"Like for work" I said
"Ahh, you become our maids" he said smirking "and have to wear this"
"What?!" Jenna and I said in unison
It was...

(A/N) - hahaha cliffhanger coming your way 😏

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