Part 5

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(A/N) I hade to make some changes to this chapter, I just realised you already hade met Toby I'm so sorry 😭
I hope this is better, and yes you meet a different character

I quickly turned around in shock, to see a new face
He was lean but muscular, and had no eyes, mouth nor nose, he had massive tentacles coming out of his back
"Uhh.." was all I could get out, as I tired to figure out where he was even speaking from
"ANSWER ME!!" He boomed once more
"I-I was just cleaning" I said, feeling the sweat trickle down my back
Even thought I couldn't see his expression I felt like he was looking directly at me, like his eyes were piercing right through me
"Hey boss"
I looked to see Jeff standing behind the tall man
"She's the new worker, her and another one, she was just doing her job, and this will not happen again" he said, somehow not an ounce of fear in his voice
"Oh, I see, well yes, it better not happen again"
And with that I quickly picked up my things and left that room
"Sorry I didn't tell you about that, must've forgot" Jeff said scratching his head
"Ah it's okay, but who is that guy anyway" I said
"Slender man, our boss, the one who runs this whole place, just don't get on his bad side" Jeff said
"Well I guess that's to late for me" I said
"Don't worry, he'll like you, soon...I think" he said back
"Oh my god, I'm screwed" I said, my hands shaking
"Haha, relax" Jeff said smiling "seriously, he's not that bad"
But I just had a feeling that Slender man had already put me in his bad books

"Hey girl"
I looked back to see Jenna, smiling at me, as she handed me a plate of lasagna
"...hey" I said, my face looking like a sad puppy
"What's up, already hate it here" she said "we can bust out and leave if you want"
"Can we?" I said looking up at her
"Girl of course, those guys are loving my lasagna" she said smirking
"Oh okay lets go" I said getting up quickly

To be completely honest, I really didn't know why we were busting out, but it was our only chance to, well, freedom
I grabbed a bat I found randomly on the floor and picked it up
We slowly opened the door, trying not to let even the smallest creek escape
We got out, closed the door back and ran
I don't know where but we just ran as fast as we could
"Jenna why'd you stop" I said looking at her
"Um girl a creepy looking dog, is well, smiling at me" she said, I could feel her body growing tense
I looked to see this, creepy dog
And boy was she right
He had huge teeth filled with blood and his fur looked rugged and mouldy
And soon after the dog came a man wearing a hoodie and a mask that covered his whole face all, with red glowing eyes that were easily visible
"Ah, trying to escape I see" he said chuckling to himself
"N-no just going out to get some air" Jenna said, her body tensing up even more
"I'm just joking with you" he said, taking a brief moment to pet the creepy dog "I'm Hoodie and you better get back to the house or Jeff will kill ya"
We both looked at each other in shock
"Like we said just getting some air, will be going back now" I said, pushing Jenna back towards the house
Hoodie followed us all the way their making sure we weren't going to escape
I felt like his eyes were on me all the time, this was just to creepy
Hoodie opened the door and there we saw Jeff, LJ and many others standing there, weapons in hand, ready to hunt
"Uhh" I said
"Damn you all were really about to hunt us down and kill us" Jenna said, her face in shock
"Yeah, we were" Jeff said, as he stopped sharping his knife
"They were just going out for air" Hoodie butted in "trust me"
I looked at him and smiled
He smiled back
"Whatever, just get to your rooms" Jeff said back to us "the boss will hear about this"
"Fine, but we were just getting air" I said walking towards the stairs, Jenna following behind "what's nexts, no food or water"
"Just stop moaning and get to your room!" I heard LJ shout to me
"I am!" I shouted back

We finally reached our room and got dressed into our pjs
"Girl, I think we're in trouble" Jenna said
"We totally are Jen, we totally are"

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