Part 7

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"Ugh what is that!?" Jenna screamed out
"It your new alarm" Jeff laughed "to make sure you wake up in time"
"Shut it off now" I shouted, covering my head with a pillow
"I will, soon, oh but you know what's cool about this" he said
"Ugh we don't care, just shut it off" I said
"Only you two can hear this alarm" he said, completely ignoring me
"What, how?" Jenna said, as he shut of the alarm
"By magic, I guess" he said "anyway you two better get going, especially you (Y/N), the boss doesn't like to wait"
"Who's the bo-oh shoot, I'll see you later, bye" I screamed dashing out of the room
"Your pjs!!" Jenna screamed
"Oh yeah, let me get dressed first" I chuckled

Finally I made it
"Wow, he doesn't like to wait yet his late to his own office..." I said shutting the doors
"Actually I'm already here, but I'll let your little comment slide, for now" a booming voice came from behind me
"S-sorry" I quickly said, turning around to face him
"Anyhow, we have a lot of work to do, and I want this office spotless as well"
"S-sure" I said getting my equipment ready "umm but are you sure you want to be in here while I clean"
"Of course, why wouldn't I be in here, it's my office" he said looking at me as he tilted his head
"Ah, well I tend to hum while cleaning, it might distract you-"
"I don't care" he cut me of "just hurry up, do it, then get out"
"Ah, sure" I said rolling my eyes when he wasn't looking anymore
I started cleaning, man this room was dusty
"C-can I ask you a question?" I said, my voice shaky
"Ugh...what?" He said turning to face me
"When was the last time you cleaned this room, because the first time I cleaned it, it was hor-"
"That's your question" he sighed
"Ah should I have not asked?" I said
"..." he paused for quite some time, I couldn't tell if he was angry, annoyed or both, actually most likely both
"I don't have time to clean" he finally said shaking his head
"Oh but don't you have magic or something like that" I asked, while cleaning the windows
"I just don't have time, and it doesn't work like that...ugh forget it, just clean will you" he said in a aggressive tone
"Okay...I'm just trying to start a conversation, otherwise I'll hum" I whispered to myself
"Hum then, I don't care" he said slamming his hand on the table "just stop talking"
Ugh what a cranky, rude son of a bitch
"Okay sorry"

Jenna's POV
"See this is how you make icing" I said smiling at LJ
"Oh I see" he said "wait I should be teaching you"
"Mmm, sure Ronald" I laughed, scrapping the icing of his cheek with my finger and licking it of afterwards
"H-hey Jenna you can't just do that" he said, going bright red
"Okay cutie, sorry" I said pouting
"W-whatever" he said storming of "follow me"
"Okay" I said smiling happily as I followed him

"I'm done!" I shouted out
"Why are you so loud" he asked, turning his head to me
"Sorry" I said
" did an okay job...I guess" he mumbled
"What was that" I titled my head
"Nothing! Just fix that paper work over there on the shelf, order them form a-z" he said, pointing at the shelf
"Oh okay" I said giving him a sarcastic smile
I stretched my hand out to try and grab the high stack of papers on the shelf, reaching and reaching to get them
"C-come on..." I said, in a huff
"Ugh useless"
Suddenly I felt something against the back of my head, I turned around to face...
"Umm...y-your chest" I said my face getting hot
His face turned down, locked with mine
For a minute, I thought I could see his face turn a light shade of red, maybe I was just seeing things
He quickly leaned closer to get the stack of papers and handed them to me
"From now on don't put the papers on that shelf, put them on the bottom shelf, got it" he said his right hand behind his head and his other in his pocket
"G-got it" I said my face getting hotter and hotter by the second

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