Part 2

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As Jenna was driving to this "killer mansion" I thought to myself
Wow I better write a will
"I'm glad you came (N/N)" Jenna said giving me a warm smile
"Why would I let you have all the fun" i said laughing and smiling back
You two where bestie and had always been

When you arrived, both of you couldn't even believe it
"Bitch, this is real" i said looking at Jenna
"Girl we are so deep in the wood, yo I can't believe we found this" Jenna said looking at me then at the house
"Okay so we just sneak in or..." I said walking towards the door
Jenna just nodded
I slowly opened the door a loud creak echoed from it
As we slowly entered the house we looked around
Man it was dusty
"Yo this place is ugly, so who's counting" Jenna whispered
"You can count" I whispered to Jenna and waved goodbye as I slowly sneaked of
As I was walking through the dark halls of the mansion I would slightly hear creaks from all directions, I just though it was Jenna and shrug it off
I finally find a place to hide
And wow it was good
It was a huge office, with stacked up papers and some really creepy shit on the wall
But let's ignore that
I hid under the desk and waited

~2.00 minutes later~
It had just gone two minutes and I was already worried, what if Jen was caught by a killer or something
You decided to walk out of the office and run down to were Jenna was
"Jenna, Jenna!!" I called out
No reply
Holy shit
"JENNA!!!!" I screamed out
I was panicking, my heart felt as if it was about to explode
Suddenly, I heard Jenna's voice call out
"Jenna omg, I was getting so scared I thought I lost you" I said hugging her tight
"Me too girl, I looked for like 4 minutes or so and I was getting worried" she said hugging back
"Wow how cute, shame it won't last though" you heard someone say
"Holy shit...this place is haunted" I said letting go of Jenna
"Yo ghost wanna fight come catch theses hands boi" Jenna said clapping her hands
"Oh my god, Jen" I said laughing
Suddenly a clown walked out of the shadows and boy were we scared
"Jenna, the fuck is that" I said to her
"Girl it's Ronald McDonald's cousin" Jenna said laughing
"Omg" I said laughing
"Yo LJ they did you dirty" we then heard another voice say
"Shut up Jeff!" Said the person who was now called LJ
"So were just gonna go..." I said pushing Jenna towards the door
"No you're not, your fucking frie-"  said the LJ boy but I interrupted him, Why well
"The fuck, what do you mean fucking friend, shut the fuck up with your nasty arse self man, don't ever come for my friend" I said crossing my arms
"Thanks girl" Jenna said, crying tears of happiness
"Yo the fuck theses girls aren't scared" jeff said smirking at us
"True, we ain't scared of nothin'" Jenna said looking at Jeff "but now if you don't mind will take our leave"
"You girls can't leave" LJ said smirking at us "if you leave will have to kill you"
"The clown is cute isn't he" Jenna said completely ignoring LJ
"Yeah, but he talks way to much" I said looking at him
"Yeah, but look at the jaw line though, mmm, could cut diamonds" Jenna said bitting her bottom lip
"Ooo LJ, got girls now huh" jeff said laughing
"S-Shut up Jeff" LJ said, he was beet red
"Hey, so what happens if we leave?" I said looking at LJ
"We get to kill you" he said back
"Okay so what happens if we stay?" Jenna said
"Hmm, I guess you become our slaves, something like that" LJ said, scratching his head
"Okay we'll take up the offer" I said smiling
"This ain't a joke, we can do some nasty things to you, if we'd like to" Jeff said walking towards you
"Eww back up" Jenna said, her face in disgust
"Jen, anyway will take up the challenge" I said smirking
What was gonna go down

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