Part 6

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(A/N) - I made some changes to the last chapter hope it's better 😘

There was a knock on our door
Jen answered, it was LJ
"Slender wants to see you both" he said crossing his arms "follow me"
We just nodded and followed him to slender's room, the boards creaking under our feet
LJ knocked on the door
"Come in" a booming voice could be heard from the other side
LJ nodded "go on in, I'm waiting downstairs for you"
I opened the door, Jenna following behind me
"Running away, huh" he said looking at the papers on his desk "you can't run, we will always find you"
"How do you know we were planning to, could've just been simply taking a stroll" I said crossing my arms
"I highly doubt that" he said his pale face starring right at me
"Can we go back now" Jenna said
"No, I have to decide a punishment"
"W-what the fuck, what do you mean punishment, we aren't-" I stopped, in shock
Giant tentacles came rushing out of his back, twirling around in different directions
"How dare you!!" He boomed "I don't  think you know exactly who you're talking to, I could easy kill you, stabbing you over and over, my tentacles going in and out of your tiny body"
I shivered, feeling my blood run cold
"But I won't, I don't want to mess up my office, with your disgusting scent" he said, some how contracting back his tentacles into his body
"Now Jenna" he said facing his head at her
"Y-yes?" She said shaking
"You will be helping LJ, he will tell you about what you'll have to be doing and will be watching you carefully, so don't make a mistake" he said "and you"
His face turned towards me
"You, you will be helping-"
"Sir if I could make a suggestion" Jeff chirped in, closing the door behind him "what if I know this might sound a bit crazy, but, what if she worked with you, I know you have a lot of organising to do, and she's really good at put things in the right places" he winked at me with that last part, I just cringed
"That actually sounds like a very good idea" slender said "you we help me with my paper work and cleaning every inch of the house"
"But you said I couldn't clean your room" I said
"Just do it anyway, now out all of you, be ready to do your duties in the morning"
We all quickly left
"Oh Jeff, I really really hate you" I said feeling my anger rise
"Haha" Jeff laughed "don't worry, you'll like me soon" he then walked of to the kitchen
"Girl, let's just get back to our room, in the morning, will do our work and try to stay away from these guys, okay" Jenna said rubbing my arm
"Yeah, will you be okay thought?" I said to her
"Girl you know me, plus it's just Ronald McDonald" she giggled
"Yeah" I giggled as well

Little did we know how wrong we were

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