Part 9

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(Y/N)'s POV
"Girl you really did that" Jenna giggled
"This isn't funny Jen, I might die" I felt my body go numb
She patted my head "you won't, I'll protect you, if that big octopus tries to kill you I'll cut of his tentacles"
"Aww that's sweet" I smiled sadly "but I don't want you to die with me"
"Well if I'm being honest, if Slender was going to kill you, he would have done it by now" she stated
"That's true but..." I said "...Jeff said Slender would kill me later, meaning soon"
"Yo, I heard what happened, sucks for you"
I turned around to see LJ smirking at me
"I'm glad your amused" I said, sarcasm vivid in my voice
"Slender will definitely kill you, he never lets anyone speak to him that way" LJ smiled "so he's probably planning on having a massacre, to show others how they would end up if they talked to him the way you did"
I felt shivers go down my spine
If only I kept my big mouth shut, now here I am, counting down the hours
"LJ!!! Don't say that" Jenna shouted "that might not even happen, and if it dose, I'll save her"
LJ giggles "how? How do you plan on saving her"
"You'll see" she said grabbing LJ's hand and pulling him with her
"Wait don't leav-and there gone" I sigh "I guess I could right my will"

Time went by fast, but slow at the same time
It was like I was stuck in an endless loop of sorrow
With no comfort or safe haven to escape to
The clock echoed throughout the mansion
It had been exactly 3hrs, it was my time
I slowly walked through the wide halls, dust flying around
"Ah I was meant to clean that" I sighed "I guess I could do it now"

Slenders POV
I felt the sweat on my hand, and my leg was vibrating wildly
She was late, that stupid imbecile
I've been waiting for 45 minutes already
I slammed my hand on the desk, the sound echoing throughout the room, possibly escaping through the door
"Jeff!!!" I screamed
"Yes boss!" He said slamming the door behind him
"Find that maid girl, and bring her to me" I said, my voice low
"Oh yeah she hasn't come yet, she sure is something else, right bo-"
I glared at him, my tentacles waving madly
"I'll just go bring her" he smirked, leaving the room and closing the door
"That girl, is already dead to me" I mumbled, fixing my desk

(Y/N)'s POV
"All done"
I looked at my amazing work, a pleased smiled on my face
"Here you are..." I heard a voice say from behind me
"Oh Jeff, hi, I was just cleaning, look at this wood railing it's practically sparkling" I smiled
"(Y/N) are you some sort of idiot!" he shouted "the boss said he wanted to see you remember"
I dropped everything in my hands
"I-I forgot" I said
"You really are an idiot" he said crossing his arms
I slapped my forehead "I need to go"
"Yeah you do" he laughed

I opened door, the room was pitch black, and I could hear heavy breathing from everything inch of the room
"S-slender, I'm here" I stutters, feeling my body tense up "you said you wanted to see me"
"Remember what I said when we first met" he boomed
I look around to see where he was, but I couldn't find him
Suddenly a tentacle grabbed my arm
"I said, that it would be so easy to kill you, my giant tentacles, going in and out of your ting body" he said
I grabbed on to his tentacle, holding it tight
"Well, it's quite dark in here, don't you think"
"What are you doing!" He shouted "let go of me!"
"Let me just find you" I said, not letting go of him "it's so dark, can you see me Slender"
Suddenly, he's tentacle held me by the waist pulling me towards him
"This is better I can see your face" I smiled softly at him
Then I realised
How close we actually were, he face was so close to mine, our lips just a few centre meters apart
"I wanted to kill you today" he mumbled
"Oh yeah" I sighed "go on then I've written my will"
"...just get out" he sighed, putting me gently on the floor
"What?!" I said, shocked
"Didn't you hear me mortal!" he shouted "get out"
I opened the door softly closing it behind
"W-what your still alive" Jeff said, shocked
"Yeah" I said, sticking out my tongue "guess who didn't die, me"
"But..." he mumbled "whatever, boss probably had he's reasons. He'll definitely kill you, soon or later"
I did think it was a bit strange Slender didn't kill me, but who cares I'm alive anyway

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